Spring flooding: a nasty forecast. Is this your house or your business prepared?

10:04 PM
Spring flooding: a nasty forecast. Is this your house or your business prepared? -

The Insurance Information Institute reports that there is a strong potential for a bad flood season. While the highest risk areas in the Upper Midwest, The National Weather Service says some parts of southern New England, New York and Pennsylvania are also at risk. NWS and reminds us that if snow runoff may increase the risk in some areas in the spring, flooding is a coast to coast threat to the United States and its territories in all months of the year. At floodsmart.gov, you can check your geographical risk via Flood Insurance Rate Maps.
preparation of flooding for companies
The National Association of Insurance Commissioners issued a checklist for planning disaster for small businesses, which covers the steps key for the preparation and an overview of related insurance issues you need to consider.
NAIC also issues a reminder that floods are not a covered peril in an insurance policy for standard business property. They note that the coverage of flood can be purchased from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), administered by FEMA, but there is usually a 30-day waiting period for a policy to go into effect. They suggest to check with your insurance agent if the boundaries of the property insurance against the NFIP of flooding are insufficient to cover your business.
AgilityRecovery, recovery specialist disaster, says your business is more likely to flood burn, so they offer this helpful list Flood civil affairs.
preparing to flood the owners
The Insurance Information Institute provides useful information on preparing for a flood and the recovery of a flood. The site also offers a variety of other useful resources related to disaster preparedness.
Floodsmart.gov is the official website of the National Flood Insurance Program. You can learn about obtaining a residential coverage and what it covers. The site also offers tips on recovery and filing applications flood
additional flood resources
Security Flood - resources from NOAA
flood recovery resources insurance matters
consumer alert: Don '. t buy a flood damaged car
Does the insurance cover owners a flooded basement?

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