November is the peak month collision deer car

4:35 PM
November is the peak month collision deer car -

November is the month when the auto-deer collisions are most likely to occur in New England. The average claim for deer-vehicle collisions is about $ 3000 - much more if we take into account the cost of human injury. Here's a quiz: New England state that has the best chance to hit a moose and which has the lowest? The answers may be a little different thinking: See this table for risk of collision with a deer by the state (PDF) or see the end of this article to only New England ..

kite car collisions can also be fatal for the deer. According to the Massachusetts authorities, about 1-2500 deer collision results in human fatality

Moose are just a different football game: 1 to 75 collisions moose / vehicle lead to a fatality. And no wonder - Full moose holds 6 feet tall at the height expected, much greater when you factor in the head and wood. Antlers can be massive, with a range of 4 to 6 feet. At up to 1,400 pounds of weight, you just do not want to hit one.

Check out this 12 step illustrated guide wikiHow on how to avoid a deer collision moose. The New Hampshire Fish and Game people also offer some good advice :. Avoid Deer Collisions / vehicles and brake for moose, it could save your life

moose myth Dangerous

There is a persistent myth that dangerous surfaces often car moose collisions: some think that if a collision seems inevitable, so you must accelerate the impact will potentially hurtle the animal on the vehicle. Bad idea - MythBusters put it to the test on am episode of Alaska moose using a mannequin

"The MythBusters steering a car car to 45 miles per hour in three Lucy : once slow, once the acceleration and once while maintaining the same speed the wreckage revealed that the downturn is by far the safest option when running into a moose more speed... fast offer greater force of impact, which absorbs and delivers moose with a more powerful, smackdown damage on top of the car. "

the greatest thing about deer, moose and other wildlife is the surprising speed with which they can appear so moderate your speed is essential, especially in animal areas during daylight and dusk. And even when they appear stationary, moose have been known to charge cars - especially if they have children to protect, as in this clip of a protective Mama moose

New England States - odds deer collision

  • Vermont 1180
  • Maine 1 in 207
  • New Hampshire 1279
  • Connecticut 1299
  • Rhode Island 1373
  • Massachusetts 1524
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