Tips for Building a snack Stadium Super Bowl Party & Hosting Safe

1:32 PM
Tips for Building a snack Stadium Super Bowl Party & Hosting Safe

- Good sports news fans. Last year we brought you photos of Super Bowl replica meats and Twinkies, but this year we have a real treat: a detailed instruction on how to build your own snack Stadium Super Bowl. OK, it's a bit ambitious - but it's almost guaranteed to be a great success


While it is great to welcome a pleasure it is also smart to consider ways to ensure that your guests will be safe and you can avoid responsibility of the host. The Insurance Information Institute says:

social host liability, also known as the laws "Dram Shop Liability" vary widely from state to state, but 43 states have them on books. Most of these laws also offer an injured person, as the victim of a drunk driver, a method to sue the person who served the alcohol. There are circumstances under these laws where criminal charges may also apply.

In the link above, you can find some tips to promote safe alcohol consumption and reduce your liability exposure of the social host.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration offers these tips for partygoers and hosts:

that you attend the game, watching in a sports bar or a party, NHTSA recalls to all the fans do not let fans Drunk player. Before choosing to drink, choose the MVP on your team - a sober designated driver. NHTSA offers these additional safety tips:

  • Designate your sober driver or have an alternative transportation plan before the start of the game
  • If you do not have a designated driver, ask a sober. for a friend back home; call a cab, friend or family member to pick you up; or just stay where you are until you are sober.
  • Use the sober driving program in your community.
  • Never let your friends leave your sight if you think they are about to drive and have had too much to drink
  • always wear - it's still your best defense against of other drunk drivers

If you are planning a party super Bowl: ..

Remember, you can be held liable and prosecuted if someone you served ends up in an accident of impaired driving.

  • Make sure all of your guests designate their sober drivers in advance, or help arrange other transportation.
  • Serve lots of food and include lots of non-alcoholic beverages at the party.
  • Stop serving alcohol at the end of the third quarter of the game and begin serving coffee and dessert.
  • Keep the numbers for local cab companies handy, and take the keys away from anyone who has had too much to drink.
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