Hurricane Irene Tool Kit: Preparation, monitoring and assurance

6:00 PM
Hurricane Irene Tool Kit: Preparation, monitoring and assurance - resources

Here are some resources to help you track and prepare Irene - as well as insurance-related resources if you commit damage. More and more resources are available, we will add them. Also, check our Twitter feed consumption: @RenInsureInfo
Storm Tracking
MSNBC Hurricane Tracker
Follow Irene at the National Hurricane Center

Weather Underground -. including co-founder
Dr. Jeff Masters WunderBlog
New England Emergency Resources
MA: @MassEMA - MA Emergency Management Agency
ME: @MaineEMA - Emergency Maine Management Agency
NH: @NHgov - New Hampshire State government
NY: @NYSEMO - NY Division of Homeland Security and emergency services
RI: @RhodeIslandEMA - RI emergency Management Agency
VT: @vemvt - emergency management VT
Hurricane preparation
It is not too late to conduct an inventory in preparation for Hurricane Irene
Common Sense advice Before & After hurricane
Prepare an effective evacuation plan
Hurricane Irene: checklist for protecting your technology before and during a hurricane
planning disaster for small businesses - a list of control
national Association of insurance Commissioners, which covers the key steps for the preparation and an overview. issues related to the insurance you need to consider
Hurricane Preparation Tips and disaster preparedness - information from the Insurance Institute
Hurricane Checklist - of the Red Cross
issues insurance
Hurricane Irene could hit the east coast: Do you know what your deductible hurricane
hurricane and windstorm deductibles
alleged reports: direct links to Renaissance Alliance partners insurance claims declared pages - list includes 40 of the largest state insurers. If your insurer is not listed here, contact your Mass Division of the main number of the insurance (617) 521-7794 or consumer information hotline (617) 521-7794 or independent agent
Tips reporting applications :. What consumers should know when confronted with a loss - important, but sometimes difficult, filing a claim can be one of the most frustrating process during a crisis or following a disaster majeure. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners offers tips for your insurance company should help you avoid problems getting your claims paid.

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