Healthcare Trends for 2015

7:27 PM
Healthcare Trends for 2015 -

Since the debate on the effectiveness, implementation and management of the Affordable Care Act (ACA ) continues, it is important to read the health landscape as it currently stands. Like many Americans remain uninsured? As the health care costs have changed in the last year? changes have health consequences?

These questions are not only in assessing the impact of the ACA, but also the overall welfare of the American people.

Healthcare Trends for 2015

How many Americans remain uninsured?

Gallup recently conducted a study released concluding that the uninsured rate among adults in the United States 12.9 percent in the fourth quarter of 2014 on average the lowest in the last 7 years. The biggest gains were been in the states that chose extend minimum requirements for Medicaid . These states have seen an average of twice the decline in the number of uninsured residents.

by demographic segment were the biggest changes in insurance status among low-income, African American, and young population. These groups have seen a 6 percent decrease in the number of uninsured in the past year, a reduction of 45 percent higher than the national average.

Gallup reported that "the Hispanic population is a key objective of the marketing efforts of the Health Act remains as the subgroup with the highest uninsured rate remains at 32.4 percent. "

How do the health care costs have changed in the last year?

Although health care costs differ greatly from country to country, the McKinsey Center for US healthcare reform that premiums of a median of 4 percent in 2015. Premium prices have risen premium with can be found reduced tax credits , if the plans are purchased by a state market. Last year, Open Enrollment period saw 85 percent of enrollees for premium subsidies with these subsidies to qualify, the cost is reduced by an average of 76 percent.

Although health care costs vary from state to state, the demographic that watching the biggest change in the cost of the low-income population. Health insurance was previously unaffordable for many low-income people who fell outside of Medicaid coverage, and Medicaid expansion and premium tax credits in this segment now have access to health insurance has increased they can afford.

For the country as a whole, the growth in insurance premiums and Medicare spending [[1945003[1945010haben] both slowed in recent down years.

changed health outcomes?

The fundamental goal of health is our increase access to medical care. has Although it is still too early to definitively say the effect the Affordable Care Act on our nation's health had, preliminary results show that preventive screenings have been increasing in the United States than in health among young Americans has.

The law extends coverage under a plan of the parents until the age of 26, and a recent study showed that young adults aged 23 to 25 is an increase in the regular visits to reported a family doctor and a decrease in the number of cases in which they had health care to dispense because they can not afford. Young graduates also far more regular medical visits and a feeling of excellent health than before the passage of the ACA.


report health industry continues to grow and change in response to the Affordable Care Act. Healthcare Trends for 2015 a continuation decline in the rate of uninsured Americans and increase in the use of preventive care services.

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