8 Sustainability Tips for tenants

6:25 PM
8 Sustainability Tips for tenants -
green living tips for renters

While it is exhilarating to dream of owning a home with solar panels, rainwater toilets geothermal heating and a green roof ... sometimes the reality is that you rent a one bedroom apartment in the city. So what is a tenant who cares about sustainability to

It is true :? When you rent, you can not make these great improvements to major appliances or energy systems at home as the owners can. However, this does not mean that you can not do your part to tread lightly on the planet. (Bonus: the money you can save some of them can go directly into your dream house funds off-the-grid.)

Here are some sustainability advice, just for size tenants

1. Recycle

this may seem a little "duh." But make it as easy as possible to do so -. Get a great, robust bin for recyclables and put it in a prominent place. Also, make sure you know your city or township of rules for recycling, which may include special instructions to separate materials or put them in special bags of color.

2. Buy fewer things

And when you buy things, buy local things -. Or consider an opportunity or premier cru release.

3. Grow something.

If you dig the idea of ​​growing your own food, container gardening is a great solution for renters. You can also ask your landlord if you can stretch to a little place in the courtyard. (Hey, the worst that could be heard was "No!") If outdoor gardening is not an option, check indoor gardening kits for herbs or lettuce. If vegetables are not your thing, even a humble houseplant can improve the quality of air in your space.

4. Monitor your energy consumption.

Save energy (and money) by unplugging appliances when not in use, dishes and clothes drying in the air, and change your light bulbs LED high efficiency or CFL bulbs. For more tips, visit Energy.gov.

5. Do not waste water.

Take shorter showers and install a water-saving flow shower if you can. Only run the dishwasher or do laundry if you have a load full size. And turn off the tap when you brush your teeth - doing this in the morning and at night can save a surprising 8 gallons of water per day

6. Using methods natural cleaning.

Naturally derived cleansers are gentle on the earth, the more they are safe for children and pets. Consumers have more options than ever for biodegradable household cleaners these days. In some cases, however, you can work with what you have lying around the house. For example: Did you know that you can lead a stubborn drain using only baking soda and vinegar

7 ?. Reuse. means


travel mugs, bags, storage containers, you name Green limiting the amount of waste you produce by reusing things whenever you can.

8. Be a smart shopper (and chef).

Mass production, packaging and transport of food has a big impact on our environment. Reduce your carbon footprint by buying local whenever you can.

Once you bring your groceries home, do not let them lose. Use fresh vegetables, meats or cheeses about to expire first. I do not know what you can do with random ingredients you have lying around? Check MyFridgeFood.com to connect the ingredients and get recipe ideas. And if all else fails, know what foods you can and can not feed the dog.

Although your space may be small, these small steps add up to make a big impact on the protection of the environment. Speaking of protection, here's another small step to consider: protect your stuff with the renter's insurance.

Starting at about $ 10 a month, the renters insurance covers your property (since the policy of your landlord usually does not), and other things such as temporary living expenses and personal responsibility

Pro tip .: buying a tenant and an auto policy together can qualify you for a discount multipolicy. In some cases, the discount actually pays for the tenant policy. Because individual policies vary, always check with your Erie insurance agent to confirm local discounts, rates and rules. Find Erie insurance agent to help you covered.

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