Review your life insurance before cutting hedges

4:59 PM
Review your life insurance before cutting hedges -
Electric hedge trimmer

As a single mother working two children, my time is valuable. Each time is taken into account, and in the summer, I have to make time for yard work too (not my favorite). But I thought it was always cheaper to take the time to hire someone. That is, until I experienced a moment of shock when I almost trimming hedges. Right now, I not only knew I had to hire someone, but I should check the limits of my life insurance.

It was there two years ago, when my children were still too young to cut grass or using power tools. I decided to fight against the bushes the size of Mount Everest around the perimeter of the house. I know I am a strong, capable, intelligent woman. I walked out of my home improvement store and bought an electric hedge trimmer. I had never used one in my life. How hard could it be? Apparently more difficult than I thought.

I came home, plugged in a long orange extension cord and had to her. Everything was fine. I finished the front yard and moved to the back arborvitae. Then I'm not even sure how it happened I cut the extension cord. Yes, I cut. I mean I cut it in half. Sparks flew and the hedge trimmer went dead. I thought for sure my house was about to go up in flames.Thankfully, cord landed safely at my feet and everything was okay, less my nerves.

After I installed myself, I returned to that home improvement store and buy a new extension. The cashier recognized me and asked, "You cut the extension cord, right?" I'm a little embarrassed, but I'm more impressed that she figured it out. (Really, how could she know that? Do I look a lot like a novice with a power tool?) She kindly explained people do it all the time. (Impressive, I'm really not incompetent!)

I returned home a little tired but was determined to finish the job. I moved slower and was more aware of what orange cord. Ten minutes later, boom. I cut again. And I'm just as shocked as the first time it happened, maybe even more. (Seriously ... two cords in one day? It was not a role model for my children.)

It was then I realized if anything happened to me, I had to be at 100 percent sure that my children would be supported. I knew I had a life policy paid by the employer, as well as a separate policy, but would that be enough?

I studied the issue online (it's what we all do when we become obsessed turn to the Internet), and learned LIMRA that 35 million households have no life insurance all. This means that the death of one earner could be financially catastrophic.

In my case, I said that I do not have enough because my policy was introduced over 10 years ago. After sitting with my little time Erie Insurance agent after I realized that I have not had much coverage should I, so we talked about that way manufactured products for my situation.

If you are in the same boat (or similar), Fast and Easy Life Insurance Calculator ERIE can help you get a gauge quickly if your loved ones will have enough should something tragic is produce. Also, your Local ERIE Insurance agent can help you consider the variety of Erie Family Life offers products that ensure you and the financial future of your family is protected.

Life is a funny thing. You never know what will happen to give you peace of mind knowing that you have adequate life insurance. I ended up adding more life cover-oh, and I hired a landscaper.

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