'Tis the season to prevent fires

5:11 PM
'Tis the season to prevent fires -

There is no doubt that some of the best holiday indulgences (turkey! Cookies! Cake!) out of a furnace not a gift-wrapped box. But with many, many good things that come from the kitchen throughout the holiday season, there is something undesirable and all-too-common :. Fire

The kitchen is the most common reason for home fires and fire injuries, according to the National Fire Protection Association. Cooking is the main cause. Burns are the third most likely cause of fatal home injury, also, as the Security Council Home. (For the children, they are the most likely cause of death). And now for the kicker: November and (especially) December are two of the most common months for home fires occur

But do not throw in your spatula for now .. "The good news is you can prevent fires and injuries by taking simple precautions, "said Lorraine Carli, vice president of public affairs for the National fire Protection Association." Start by being aware of the risks. "

Follow these advice unadorned to keep you, your family and your home security every time you launch.

Protect yourself and your family

keep children away. Consider closure of the stove area with colored tape to teach little away from the danger zone.

Roll up your sleeves and glide over long mittens. loose clothing can catch fire while the hands and bare arms are easily burned or scalded. Also, be sure to wear gloves when removing food from a microwave, things have a way to heat more than you think in there.

The heat is Off

Not every holiday eat requires heat. For example, take appetizer: whatever your cultural and religious traditions, there are many delicious cold options to choose from. These two recipes, both a breeze to add up large-out holiday D'oeurvres without heat.

Bite-Sized bocconcini

Israeli Tomato pepper salad

Share your favorite recipes
Does your family have a dish favorite vacation you just should serve each season? If so, we'd love to hear! Visit the Eriesense Facebook to post your recipe. And while you're at it, be sure to click the "like" button to stay connected.

Use the back burners and pot and pan handles angle towards the back of the beach. This greatly reduces the risk of accidents that could result in injury.

Place the hot food as far from the edge of the counter as possible. , it is easy for children to reverse dishes everywhere else.

If you have young children, ditch tablecloths and placemats. Just a tug to overthrow hot liquids and foods.

Cap temperature of tap water to 0 degrees.
"tap water that is too hot is a neglected source of scalding," says Shannon McDaniel, spokesman for the Security Council Home. "It is best to turn your water heater to 0 degrees . If you do not have direct access to your water heater or do not feel comfortable treating yourself, call your gas or electricity company. "

Treating burns immediately . " Even a little heat continues to burn the skin for 24 to 48 hours if not treated properly, "said McDaniel . to cool a burn or a scald, run the affected area under cold water for at least three minutes. Do not put ice or lotion on the wound, and always call 911 if your condition is serious.

Protect your home

never, never leave the kitchen while cooking. food left unattended, even for a minute-is the most common cause of kitchen fires. "the holidays are busy, and people can become easily distracted by the bells and guests, so it is very important to remember to pay attention to what you are cooking," said Carli.

regularly peek into pots, pans and roasters. This will help you spot potential outbreaks ASAP.

Keep an eye when frying food. Grease fires are the most common type of kitchen fires, so extra attention to anything in your fryer or frying pan.

Stay alert. Make sure you get a good night's rest before a marathon cooking session and enjoy all alcoholic beverages after you turn off oven and stove.

Make sure your kitchen is clean and uncluttered. Grease accumulation on ranges and ovens, it is easier for them to start fires. Also, kitchen gloves, food packaging, towels and curtains can go up in flames if they are close to heat sources.

Ensure smoke detectors and fire extinguishers are in good condition. test each alarm in the house and read the instructions on how to use fire extinguishers.

Consider installing a home fire sprinkler system. Tell your local fire department to have a sprinkler system in case of fire, which suppresses or reduces the impact of a fire, installed in time for the upcoming holiday season quickly. . (Bonus: .. The installation of an often lower your home insurance premium ERIE Contact your agent to learn more about a possible reduction)

Review your evacuation plan home If the worst happens, you'll want to be prepared. Decide on a place where everyone will meet, posting the plan on the refrigerator door, and make an appointment through each person in your family. Also, remind everyone of these two life rhymes: "get low and go" (the air near the ground is clearer and easier breathing) and "stop, drop and roll" (to do this if you catch fire).

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