The Ultimate Guide to Fire extinguishers

8:15 PM
The Ultimate Guide to Fire extinguishers -
fire extinguisher

After a close call in my apartment who knew the olive oil is bad for high temperature cooking? - It occurred to me that I had never used a fire extinguisher. I'm not the fire chief, but learning on the fly while your smoke alarm is deafening seems like the wrong time to understand this.

Fortunately, I removed my stove smoke heat could ignite foremost, but the experience left me in shock.

Do not wait until the heat of the moment to ask about fire extinguishers. Here's what smart owners (and renters) need to know

Do I need a fire extinguisher

Short Answer :. ?. Yes

It is a good idea to have at least one, although many experts as the National Fire Protection Association recommend having a fire extinguisher on each floor. Put yours near an exit in a place easy to grasp.

A fire extinguisher can make a big difference in an emergency, but it can not replace your most important security tools: smoke detectors and an escape plan.

What if I rent

If you rent, your landlord is usually responsible for providing smoke detectors in each unit - but not necessarily fire extinguisher. It depends on your state and local fire codes, so ask your landlord to be sure. If you end up buying one, it generally will not break the bank. Fire extinguishers generally run from $ 20 to $ 70, depending on type.

Types of fire extinguishers

all the lights are not the same, and are fire extinguishers. The letters A, B and C on the label refer to types of fire extinguisher is capable of quenching.

  • Class extinguishers are effective on fires in the paper, wood, textiles and plastics. (Think of "A" for "ashes".)
  • Class B extinguishers are effective on liquid fires, such as those involving cooking oil, paint, of gasoline or kerosene. (Think "B" for "barrel.")
  • Class C extinguishers are effective on electrical fires and direct wiring. (Think of "C" for "current".)

The best choice for your home is a multipurpose fire extinguisher as ABC, which can be used on all types. You can opt for a single use or rechargeable model. A rechargeable extinguisher is filled with water or the label of a dry chemical extinguisher for your check to see what was fill with yours.

In general, fire extinguishers are sold in 10 pound 2 pounds, 5 pounds or cans. Larger sizes pack more punch, but choose a size that you can lift easily. If it is too heavy, you do the favors you

How to use a fire extinguisher

First things first. If there is a fire of any size in your home, call 911. Remember that the fire spreads quickly -. even if you end up out the fire yourself, it is a good idea to have the pros on how to check your work

If you need to use your fire extinguisher, the National Fire Protection Association uses the acronym PASS practice:

  • P ull the pin. Take the fire extinguisher, point the nozzle away from you and release the locking mechanism.
  • A im down, pointing the extinguisher at the base of the fire.
  • S queeze the lever slowly and evenly.
  • S weep the nozzle from one side to the other.

Use your extinguisher on a small fire that is not growing - for example, a fire in a trash content. When the fight against the fire, keep the back to a clear exit so you can make an escape if you need. If the room fills with smoke or fire grows, leave immediately.

If you prefer a practical learning experience, call your local fire department. Most offer training on how to use a fire extinguisher.

When replace an extinguisher

extinguishers do not last forever. All models can lose pressure over time. Depending on the model, they last between 5 and 15 years - even if no expiration date is listed.

To make sure your extinguisher is in good condition, check the monthly pressure gauge. If it is in the green, it is functional. If she is in the yellow or red, it will need filled or maintained. Replace yours as soon as possible if you notice any of these things: ..

  • The hose or nozzle is cracked, torn or jammed
  • The locking pin is not sealed or missing
  • The handle is missing or unstable.
  • The stamp of inspection or service file is missing.

To protect your home at the best of your ability, see other tips from a former high-level security firefighter.

Also talk to an insurance professional as an Erie Insurance agent in your community. He or she can help you make sure your home insurance right owners in case a fire occurs despite your best efforts to prevent.

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