common insurance questions, honest answers

10:04 PM
common insurance questions, honest answers -

You have a burning question of insurance? If so, chances are the defenders of the customer in the service department to the customer ERIE answered many times before. Here is a list of the more common they receive via the toll-ERIE page and Facebook®.

I'm buying a car. Do I have coverage?

You will have automatic coverage for a newly acquired car if you already have a similar vehicle (in this case, a car) on your policy, ensures ERIE all your other cars and the new car you buy is entitled to the named insured on your current policy. This applies if the car you buy replaces an old car or another vehicle.

However, if you add something different (for example, a motorcycle when you insure a car), which might not apply. The takeaway? Always ask your insurance agent ERIE on the cover before you make a purchase.

My son lives with me and driving license, but he never pushed my car. Should I add it to my auto insurance policy?

Technically, yes. Emergencies happen, and it is difficult to guarantee that he will never need to drive the car. For you and your family protected keep all drivers licensed in your household should have their own policy or be added to yours. If you swear Junior never drive your car, your agent or insurer may require you to specifically exclude the child of your auto insurance policy. Always check with your insurance agent ERIE because all states offer driver exclusion options.

My request was not covered when my roof springs a leak. Why?

Because policies differ too much to give a general answer, ERIE your insurance agent should always be the first person you call on these types of issues. One thing that is not covered: routine wear and tear. For example, if your roof springs a leak simply because it is old, you can not expect your policy to kick in as he would for damage caused by a peril like lightning.

If you make a valid claim, you'll be glad you guaranteed replacement cost. This coverage ensures you'll be able to rebuild your home after a major loss regardless of amortization, the limits of the policy or insurance construction costs. ERIE automatically included as part of many of its political owners * -and you can buy affordable endorsement for policies that do not understand.

Is ERIE offer good student driver discounts?

We do not have a reduction of the name, but we only offer the discount of Juvenile driver that can save eligible licensed drivers ages 20 and under 20 percent on their car insurance . In addition, drivers under 21 who have completed training from an accredited pilot may also be eligible for discounts. Check with your agent to see if your young driver qualifies.

To achieve additional savings, consider ERIE Rate Lock ® **. This amendment freezes your year of automatic premium after year, even if you file a claim. Your rate does not change when you add or remove a vehicle or driver to your policy or change the location where your car is in the garage.

Is ERIE a decrease in the franchise?

Yes, thanks to the endorsement ERIE Auto Enhancement. For each consecutive year of insurance where you do not file a claim, your deductible will be reduced to $ 100, up to a maximum of $ 500. Eligibility varies by state, so check with your agent to see if you qualify.

Can you send me a new insurance card?

We can, but it is also good to know that you can print a card simply by logging into your account at .

I turned 24 not long after my policy took effect. Can you give me adult rates?

ERIE offers drivers adult price less than the age of 24, a great advantage, because many carriers do not offer it until you turn 29. Unfortunately, your policy is based on your age at the time the policy was written or renewed, so we can not distribute during the insurance period. But know that you will get the adult fare on your next renewal!

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Remember that for safety and security reasons prevent ERIE answer specific policy questions or comments on a public forum like Facebook®. For these types of things, call or email your agent or lawyer of ERIE client.

* Guaranteed replacement cost home improvements require more than $ 5000 to be reported in
0 days. Covering the costs to comply with laws or ordinances is subject to limits. Depreciation can be deduced that the repair is made. Go to ERIESecure or contact your agent for more information.

** Not available in North Carolina, Maryland and New York. Limited to three years in Virginia. ERIE Rate Lock ® does not guarantee a continuous insurance coverage. Insured must meet applicable underwriting guidelines. Premium may change if you make a change in policy.

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