Hauls long, Safe Tow

2:08 PM
Hauls long, Safe Tow -

Summer is the season when we and many things that we have-are on the move. Personal watercraft trailers for bikes, there's no shortage of things to the hitch and mail during the months of hot weather.

This extra weight and bulk, however, comes with a potential danger. In 2010 alone, nearly 56,000 passenger vehicle crashes involved a monitoring unit. While three-quarters of these accidents only caused material damage, the Security Administration of the National Road Administration (NHTSA) reports that the remaining quarter resulted in injuries and 340 deaths.

Keep safe roads at speed transport for your next adventure observing some tips :.

  • choose wisely With cheaper models are more likely to contain small tube that is sensitive and poor locking devices, it is important to choose a work quality on an attractive price. Experts recommend that couplers are easy to install (they should not require additional tools for mounting) and a locking clip.

In addition, if you want to attach things, opt for quality lashing straps with good hooks and ratchets lower elastic cords.

  • Find your ideal weight. Please consult your vehicle to determine the maximum weight of your machine can handle and make a realistic estimate of how much weight you'll actually be carrying. (If you want to be extra sure, consider paying a visit to a public scale.)
  • Consider enlisting professional help. Not mechanically inclined? Next, ask the store where you bought the hitch of the aid-often, their technicians will offer to the not cost installation services.

No luck there? Then call a trusted mechanic or an all-purpose handyman.

  • Make quality control. Make sure the hitch is properly secured by trying to disassemble it yourself. Also check if the weight is evenly distributed and that the air pressure on all tires is up. Finally, if you are carrying a trailer, make sure that his brake lights are in good working condition
  • drive (extra) safely First of first: .. Slow down! The extra weight requires you to travel at close to half of your regular speed and use extra caution when stopping, changing lanes, turning or backing up. You'll also need to acclimatize to the slower acceleration, making wider turns, giving you braking times and allocate additional space when parking.
  • Take a test. Not used to drive like that? Then consider taking a few practice turns into a disused parking before hit the road

For more tips and tricks, see Towing a trailer :. Being equipped for the safety of the NHTSA.

ERIE goes the extra mile

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Although we hope you never have to use one of them, you can take comfort in knowing these services are there if you are in these situations:

  • Glued ERIE will pay up to $ 75 per named insured (including meals and lodging) if you are unable. reach your destination because of a claim covered by your policy. *
  • Out of a car. If you have a covered accident or disaster, ERIE take care of your transportation costs to rent a car, hop on a bus or take a taxi immediately after an incident. **
  • At a loss. You will be reimbursed up to $ 350 for all personal belongings lost as a result of a covered loss.
  • Locked. ERIE will pay $ 50 for a locksmith to stop. *

And then there is the duty decreases, which means that REA will completely give your deductible:

  • If your windshield is repaired (rather than replaced ) ***
  • If you get in an accident with another driver ERIE * or a no. ERIE pilot is solely liable and has an adequate liability coverage .
  • If there is reasonable expenses of first aid for people and animals at the time of an accident.

Diana Schneidman, CPCU, CLU, is a freelance writer in Schaumburg, Illinois. she is in awe of someone who jumps behind the wheel of a trailer since it fears a just Parallel Parking his car in the streets of Chicago occupied.

The policy contains the specific details of coverage, terms, conditions and exclusions. Eligibility for insurance coverage will be determined at the time of the request, based on the guidelines and underwriting rules in effect at that time. Information regarding the terms, conditions, exclusions, licenses and territory Additional information is available at erieinsurance.com .

* Not applicable in North Carolina.
** Restrictions in North Carolina.
*** additional premium required in Illinois and New York.

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