Science of Sorrow

6:12 PM
Science of Sorrow -

As anyone who has experienced the loss knows, it is never easy. Pain is not something we can always prepare. But recent studies show that the process of adaptation can not be what we thought once.

George A. Bonanno, professor of education and psychology at Columbia University, has researched the science of mourning for nearly 20 years. It is now believed that most people naturally know how to deal with the loss, as part of human nature. There is a theory that fully agree with the typical grieving process, as we have come to accept. Instead, he questions the notion of five specific steps

Bonanno, author of "The Other Side of Sadness". What the new science of mourning talks about life after loss "has, with the help of his staff, interviewed thousands of people who have experienced the pain. They concluded that the majority of survivors were stronger than we would have imagined.

"This does not mean that they were not sad or upset by the loss," said Bonanno. "But they do not know the concept of a grieving process how many suggested books they should. They afflicted, but the majority of people continued to function "

The book was inspired in part by his own experience Bonanno :. He lost his father while in his early 20s. He still feels sad loss, but he said: "in a way, my life opened after the death of my father." For him, it is normal for many emotions, such as sadness and happiness and hope for the future, to coexist without the need to "process" or "solve" below.

specifically, Bonanno explains the grieving process, as he sees it, to be like a pendulum.

"in the first months after the loss," he said, "the pendulum swings between sadness and happiness. At the time of the loss, a person seems to pay little attention to the world around him. He takes in his new situation and tried to imagine life without his beloved.

"As a person acclimate to changes he feels unexpected moments of happiness and sadness again. The pendulum eventually slows and equilibrium outcomes."

Like swings, Bonanno recommends that each person allowed to find its own way to achieve balance.

"Do what feels good," he said. "He can go to the grave to speak or make a donation to a charity in the name of your loved one."

Join a grief support group might be right. "For some, sharing feelings of pain in a group that seeks to help us can promote healing," said Bonanno.

What is most important is that each person has the freedom and support to heal in its own way, either laugh, cry, talk or do not talk or mixing techniques over time.

How insurance can help
ERIE Agents were there to help customers through some of the most difficult times.

One spring morning there are about 20, ERIE Agent Joe LaGuardia read something in the local paper that never forgot. it was the story of a mother who had lost her 6 year old son. the boy had seen a friend in a busy street, pulled her hand from his mother and ran into traffic.

the family was one of Joe's clients. Read the news broke his heart.

"I recognize the name immediately," recalls Joe. "It hit me really hard. As an agent, I help my clients buy life insurance, but it is never easy to hear the news when they need it."

Joe, an agent Agency Historic Square in Erie, Pa., had young children of his own at the time, and he could only imagine what the family must have been going through.

But helping families is part of Joe's work. It is one of many ERIE agents that delivers on the promise of life insurance on a regular basis. It is specifically trained to do, knowing how to approach a family and its role in support during these times.

However, with training and almost 40 years of experience, Joe finds that the provision of life insurance checks is never easy. In a world of numbers and sales business, helping customers life insurance claims process is the most personal thing Joe did.

And, he says, it is the most important.

The insurance can help protect your family from loss

Although we can not always protect us emotionally to these events, there are steps we can take to protect beings expensive financially during such circumstances.

If you are interested in learning more, talk to your agent ERIE Insurance Erie Family Life * and how it can help financially prepare a family for the loss. It can help you develop the savings you can profit while living, too.

* Erie Family Life Insurance not available in New York

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