Buy renters insurance? 6 things to consider

11:54 AM
Buy renters insurance? 6 things to consider -
Apartment for rent

1. Calculate how much your stuff is worth.
"there is value to all when it comes to renters insurance," says Terry McConnell, Vice President, Personal Lines Underwriting at ERIE .. "Most people underestimate the value of their content, but once they itemize, they realize that there is a dramatic difference from what they initially thought. "

To have a clear idea of ​​the value of your assets, see the plug Home Inventory ERIE.

2. Deciding between the actual cost of cash value and replacement.

actual cash value takes into account depreciation in the calculation of the value of your property. so if you bought a brand new laptop for $ 1,000 it five years ago, you will be reimbursed for what the laptop is a dollar value minus depreciation today

the replacement cost is a better option. It will refund the original value of the item (or a similar type and quality to the replacement cost today if the article is no longer available) and costs slightly more than the actual cash value.

3. Consider earthquakes and other disasters.

your ERIE Agent can you say more about adding these additional guarantees in your policy of tenants.

4. Choose a franchise.

Think of how much premium savings you want to choose a higher deductible and how much you can afford to pay out of pocket if you have a loss.

5. Consider extra protection for valuables.

ERIE provides $ 3,000 coverage for any item that is stolen. If you have expensive items such as jewelry, furs and silverware, you'll probably want to add a rider to your policy of tenants to ensure they are fully covered.

6. Select a limit of liability

"Think of all the ways you might accidentally hurt someone," said McConnell, "and you will see that there are many." If your dog bites another animal or a person, you will be responsible, for example. This kind of lawsuit can be quite expensive if the injured person has scars or physical disabilities long. (If you are concerned about having a sufficient liability protection, consider an umbrella policy that provides an additional $ 1 to $ 5 million in coverage.)

Finally, remember that no matter where or what you rent, your Agent ERIE is always there to help you get the right coverage at the right price.

Did you know?
purchases both a tenant and a car insurance policy may qualify you for a discount multipolicy. In some cases, the discount actually pays for tenants policy. *

Discounts subject to eligibility criteria and rates and rules in effect at the time of purchase. For more information visit your local ERIE or agent.

* Individual policies may differ.

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