Five Resolutions Worth Making driving

11:05 AM
Five Resolutions Worth Making driving -
driving resolutions

People around the world have vowed to lose weight, spend less and get organized.

But driving safer? It may not be the most popular promise, but it could be one of the most intelligent. This is because it will help you stay more secure, save money and feel much less stressed behind the wheel

Resolution No. 1: .. Stop texting and talking

anything that affects your concentration while driving a machine of two tons is just a bad idea. We all know texting and chat directly into a phone are big no-nos. But the hands-free mobile phones are safe, right?

In fact, many studies have shown that using any type of mobile phone while driving increases your chances of being in an accident. Having trouble avoiding the temptation to talk about? Then check out the advice And remember "Deter Distraction." :. Any appeal really can wait until you've finished driving

Resolution No. 2: Get plenty of rest and take frequent breaks.

drowsy driving has been proven to cause as much impairment as being drunk. This year, do yourself, your family and everyone on the road Shut getting adequate for each night and checking in at a hotel epic road trips. Also, plan to take a break at least every two hours during long trips. Stretch, walk and breathe some fresh air before entering the next stage of the journey

Resolution No. 3 :. Leave five minutes earlier

Given the fact that speeding. led to 13,000 deaths each year, why not give yourself a little buffer from now? It will put you in a better mood because you will not feel rushed or nervous arriving late. And you will be less likely to do something risky like dash through a yellow light, come to a rolling stop or cut someone off all the bad things regarding safety and karma.

Resolution # 4 :. Keep an emergency kit in the car

do not learn about the importance of emergency kits to hard (stuck in a ditch, stalled on the side of the road, you get the idea). Instead, put one together before problems by bringing these bases:

  • cell phone and car charger (make sure you have pre-programmed emergency numbers in phone)
  • Extinguisher
  • Two roadside flares
  • quarts
  • Small first aid kit
  • Flashlight
  • Multipurpose tool or pocket knife
  • tire pressure gauge
  • tire inflator
  • duct tape
  • Rags
  • your car manual
  • pen and paper
  • sign Help

for an additional level of assurance, see the complete list of items recommended in "Be Prepared". You can also consider purchasing coverage * of the road service. This affordable endorsement pays for reasonable towing and labor costs should your car break

Resolution No. 5: .. Keep your tires in top form

The Rubber Manufacturers Association said that under inflation is the number one enemy of a tire because it results in poor control that could lead to accidents. Furthermore, under-inflated tires wear faster and cause your car to burn more gas.

Keep your tires in good condition by regularly checking the pressure and add air if needed. Also inspect your tires for bulges, dry rot or something that looks off. When driving, something as unsuspecting as a pothole can make major tire damage which can make you lose control

Remember :. Your other resolutions could make you thinner and slightly richer, but they could literally save your life.

Bonus Resolution: consider getting a policy PCL

It could be worth your time to consider a liability makes personal disasters (PCL) policy. Also known as a general policy, it adds an additional $ 5 million to $ 1 to both your car and your liability limits owners should get hit with an injury or property damage claim. And that accusation can cause a lot of damage, even if you do not have assets anywhere near that level.

"There is a misconception that you must have lots of money to be sued for a lot of money," says Terry McConnell, Vice President and Director of Personal Lines Underwriting at Erie Insurance. If you do not have enough to cover a judgment, your salary can be pressed to compensate for deficits associated with hospital bills, rehabilitation, lost wages, pain and suffering, and litigation.

a policy PCL is a cost effective way to protect yourself against financial ruin. compared to the average annual premium automobile and homeowners of $ 1,000 and $ 750, respectively, a $ 1 million PCL costs about $ 150 to $ 0 per year . "for most people, a policy of $ 1 million is adequate, affordable," said McConnell.

* Restrictions in North Carolina.

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