Q & A: What is No Fault Insurance

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Q & A: What is No Fault Insurance -

You may have heard of no-fault insurance. But do you know what it really is?

Otherwise, the Q & A below will help you clarify things for you. (In addition to general information in this Q & A, we recommend that you obtain advice specific to your local Erie Insurance Agent .)

This is no-fault insurance?

No-fault insurance applies to the PIP injury protection (also known as medical payments or First Party benefits) cover part of your auto insurance policy. PIP covers medical expenses if you are in a car accident. In some states, you can be reimbursed for lost wages (and other expenses).

In a state with no-fault insurance laws, you file a claim for costs covered by your auto insurance company if you are a car accident. This applies if you are at fault or not. With collecting your own insurer regardless of fault, no fault insurance limit your right to file a complaint.

Which states have no-fault insurance?

There are currently 12 states with no-fault insurance :. Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, North Dakota and Utah

In Kentucky, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, there something a bit different choice called no fault. In the choice of the state without fail, someone can choose to reject the threshold of the state to keep the right to sue under the law of the traditional responsibility.

Why do some states have no-fault insurance?

the idea behind no-fault insurance is to avoid costly trial and lengthy (especially smaller court cases) and to ensure prompt payment and timely claims. If anyone can collect from their own insurer regardless of fault and there are certain thresholds you have to meet before continuing, there are usually fewer court cases.

In that case, can I file a lawsuit against an at? pilot -FAULT if I live in a faultless condition

There are two specific ways to determine the thresholds that allow prosecution to proceed: verbal and monetary thresholds. verbal thresholds describe a type of injury that monetary thresholds specify a dollar amount. Once you meet a threshold, you can pursue reimbursement of your actual damages (things like medical expenses). The pain and suffering can still be excluded.

Five states have verbal thresholds (Florida, Michigan, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania), while seven states have monetary thresholds (Hawaii, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Dakota and Utah).

Because people can collect from their own insurer, does that mean they should not buy a motorist coverage uninsured or underinsured?

It is important to carefully consider the uninsured driver insurance and underinsured since research shows that one in seven drivers insecurity (and many others have a minimal coverage).

many states without fault drivers find it worthwhile to purchase uninsured and underinsured motorist insurance. The additional protection you get from these policies can care for lost earning capacity or pain and suffering compensation not covered by your benefits without fault.

It is also wise not to count on your health insurance as full proof security if a driver under-insured or uninsured hits you. This is because you may have a large deductible. You can also exceed the maximum limit of your health insurance policy if your injury is serious.

Finally, keep in mind that it can be very stressful to pursue an uninsured driver or underinsured for your medical expenses. By having your own coverage, there is a chance a lot lower than you have to deal with this kind of stress.

without malpractice insurance can be difficult. Fortunately, your Erie Insurance Agent can provide practical advice Insurance. We recommend that you check with him if you plan on car insurance.

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