Why life insurance Really Matters

1:07 PM
Why life insurance Really Matters -

They are young. They are cool. And they are ... funeral?

Yes, such people exist. And ideas in their profession might make you rethink everything you thought about it.

Another thing that might make you reconsider? The need for life insurance, as they see first hand the role of good policy plays in covering the final arrangements and providing for those who remain.

Todd Harra, funeral, McCrery & Harra Funeral and Crematory, Wilmington, Del.


Thirty years funeral director Todd Harra has not only hosted services. He is also co-author Mortuary Confidential: Undertakers Spill the Dirt , a tell-all collection of short stories about being a funeral director, and served as Janvier in publishing 08 of Men of Mortuaries male calendar. (Both sold very well.)

"I like the personal interaction with my work and that every day is different, but that may be the most aggravating part," said Todd, a director of fourth generation funeral who often works during the summer holidays.

Easing the stress of the death of a loved one is preparing. "People are so grateful when life insurance kicks in to pay for a service," he said. (As reported in "Why funerals so expensive?" The funeral costs an average of $ 9,111.)

Unfortunately, not all cases are so smooth. "I saw many sad situations where we had to counsel families in a cheaper service with a cheaper coffin eliminate the limousine service or even spend a cremation instead of a complete burial, "said Todd." You see members family dipping into their 401 (k) s, scrounging for a loan or ask for donations to cover the funeral expenses instead of flowers. "

Lori Diaz, funeral director, Diehl-Whittaker funeral services, Columbus, Ohio

for Lori, a career in the funeral industry happened by chance. "I studied the funeral for a class in grad school," the 37-year-old wife and mother of two teenage daughters remembers. "I thought it would be a good choice for me, so I decided to do an apprenticeship."

His intuition was spot-on. "I love helping people, and I feel that I make a difference "says Lori, who works at the oldest African-American morgue owned and run in Columbus, Ohio, and has written and blogged about his profession for a variety of outlets." I walk families through difficult times and help them plan a celebration of the life of their loved one. I do not deal with dead-I deal with the living, "she said.

Lori, a customer with Andrew ERIE Insurance Associates in Powell, Ohio, said of her hands-on experiences shaped his view on life insurance.

"I see families all the time scaling down a service or delay a week so they can borrow money," she said. "It is so worth having even a small policy to take care of the arrangements, let alone take care of loved ones left behind."

She continues, "I have a policy and expectations would educate themselves. I often see how even a small, inexpensive policy can help a grieving family immensely after someone passes. "

Caleb Wilde, funeral director, Wilde Funeral Home, Parkesburg, Pa.

Caleb always wanted to help people, but he never thought that his sixth generation family business would be the vehicle to do so. instead, he made humanitarian work abroad. But it decreased funding stream, while returning home to the funeral home, that is.

Since then, the 30-year-old launched "Confessions of a funeral director," a blog featuring his ideas in the profession, the process of mourning and death. It attracts 20,000 30,000 readers each month and the eye of 20/20 , which recently aired a clip of Caleb daydreams of being a funeral director.

"We are like traditional pastoralists provide comfort to those in pain, "he says. "Some people make us paperwork people work."

However, there is only so much he and the staff of the 162-year-old Wilde Funeral Home can do to relieve some pain. "Every few months, I expect the service of a deceased breadwinner who had no contingency plan," said Caleb, who bought a life insurance policy before adopting a son earlier this year. "I remember a man who died suddenly without a life insurance policy, leaving his wife and four children to fend for themselves, it was incredibly sad."

Compounding the problem is the growing trend of funeral homes requiring full payment in advance. "We do not do that, but families facing this situation under enormous amount of stress, especially when they have to downgrade a service," he said.

Although he acknowledges it is difficult to talk about death, Caleb said there are many benefits to doing so.

"Planning for the unexpected can help you to live more fully and have peace of mind knowing that your loved ones will be taken care of."

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