Insurance Partners Live In

12:43 PM
Insurance Partners Live In -

After four years of dating, my boyfriend Cal and I finally bit me the ball and ... moved together.

Our new lifestyle has raised many questions. For starters, how did a maniac from clean space with someone who does not even own a broom? And how a night owl live with someone who nods off at nine?

Fortunately, patience and compromise leading the way. I learn other things too, like the way it's nice to have someone when you hear a strange noise in the night. Or know that you have an elevator when your car lands in the shop for a week or a dog bite sends you to the ER. (Both happened during our first week together.)

Today, Cal business is scattered all over our common home. (Among the battery: house wine with a goofy picture of his aunt on her, the original wood from a turn of the century warship 19th and 22 orphan socks). In addition to trigger my Martha Stewart tendencies, his disorder made me wonder what would happen if it was stolen or destroyed. Will my insurance cover it? And that in any other insurance protects me against-Cal would be covered, too?

A Erie Insurance Agent weighs

For answers, I called Erie Insurance Agent John Rushe of Werle & Rushe Agency in Erie, Pa. He explained that when it comes to insurance, unmarried couples are not usually considered in the same way that people who have already exchanged vows.

"there are many extensions of coverage for spouses and other" resident parents "who are not there for unmarried partners," he said. "This can cause big problems."

This is a breakdown of home and auto coverage joint extensions automatically get:


  • possessions of both spouses are covered by the same policy. This includes content in both home and away.
  • Both spouses have liability coverage for the damage their actions cause. This could be something accidentally cause a fire burning a building to hit a golf ball through the windshield of car someone.


  • The spouses automatically coverage when they use the cars on the other. However, I'd probably have to add Cal as a driver to my policy if it regularly uses my car. This usually costs extra.
  • Spouses automatically get the rental coverage when they rent a car.
  • Spouses also have a multi-car discount to list more than one vehicle on a policy.

The cover for my "domestic partner"

Fortunately, John explained that ERIE offers insurance to live with partners. "The Domestic Partner endorsement is for long-term couples living together," he explained. "It deals mainly with partners as they are married. Depending on the line of coverage, it can even both listed as insured named on the policy."

I knew this was something we had need. But first I had to know the price approve my policy.

"It is offered at no additional cost," said John.

Seriously ?!

"It is the right thing to do for people who are in truly committed relationships," he said. "There are a lot of non-traditional households out there that still function as traditional ones regarding finance and merged responsibilities. Domestic Partner The amendment reflects this reality."

That same day, I added the rider Domestic Partner at my condominium policy. Cal is happy to know that and many, many things are protected against the worst. And we get endless laughter on call each other "my domestic partner." Cover additional insurance may not be the most exciting gift for Valentine's Day, but it is one we are both soft this year.

For more information on the REA of insurance coverage, including the endorsement Domestic Partner, contact an ERIE local insurance agent in your community.

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