Who is at risk of identity theft? Increasingly, it is students.

2:57 PM
Who is at risk of identity theft? Increasingly, it is students. -

identity of every three seconds, a person is stolen by Javelin Strategy & Research 2012 Identity Theft Report - and students are increasingly a larger targets at risk for identity theft. In fact, the Federal Trade Commission reports of students (aged 20-29) represent the highest percentage of all identity theft complaints.

"There are many reasons why students are a prime target for identity theft," said Joe Vahey, vice president and product manager at Erie Insurance. "Not only have they usually pristine credit records, but they are exposed to situations that may leave them unknowingly vulnerable to becoming a victim of identity theft. "

with only a few pieces of personal information of a student, new lines of credit can be opened, bank accounts can be emptied, fraudulent tax returns can be filed, medical services can be searched and the name of a student can even be provided as an alias to the police when arrest. All these circumstances can cost thousands of dollars to fix and can even cost new graduates employment opportunities as credit checks and background are regularly made by employers.

10 tips to help prevent students from becoming identity theft victims:

  1. Put a cross-cut shredder and lock box on list your back-to-campus - and use them. Keep laptops, tablets and social security cards in the lock box.
  2. Never carry your Social Security card with you, and do not give your social security number without checking that request and why.
  3. Check that your school uses a student's identification number is your social security number.
  4. Beware of programs and unsecured WiFi networks peer-to-peer file sharing, and use making information security software update.
  5. resist the urge to action. Avoid note your date of birth, name of high school or the animal's name on social media sites like these are often responses to security questions used to validate your identity.
  6. Avoid credit card registration myriad booths on campus and use your cross-cut shredder to destroy sent by the credit card mail offers not use. If you must select a card from a credit card reputable company and use it instead of a debit card for purchases, credit cards provide additional layers of fraud prevention .
  7. Add a password on your smartphone. The report indicates Javelin experience identity theft owners 1/3 more smartphones than the general public. Like many people store passwords, personal information and account information on their devices, if a phone is stolen and there is no password the thief will have access to all this information private.
  8. Be aware of your surroundings, including "shoulder surfers" and other suspicious activity.
  9. Check your credit score all throughout the year and your monthly statements for signs of a fraudulent banking activity and credit card.
  10. parents consider purchasing identify hedge protection against theft for your student. for example, the identity of recovery Erie Insurance coverage and reimbursement fraud can cover the costs associated with re-deposit loans or grants and legal fees as well as working with the three major credit bureaus and others to close fraudulent accounts and restoration odds credit quickly.

what if you suspect identity theft of
If you are not covered by identity theft, report the activity suspect to the appropriate institution and request a new account number and a fraud alert on your account notice. Place a fraud alert on your account, it is more difficult for new accounts in your name to be opened. also order copies of your credit report and notify the appropriate credit bureau in writing of fraudulent account activity. File an identity theft report with the FTC and your local police department, too.

If you never want the hassle, consider the identity recovery coverage. It comes with a case manager to help you navigate all that needs to be done if your identity is lifted.

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