8 easy tips to stay safe at the pump

1:20 PM
8 easy tips to stay safe at the pump -

There is always a risk when gas and other flammable liquids are around. Yet many of us forget that when we fuel up the gas station.

The main danger to a fuel pump is not gas, but the gas vapors. Because the gas vapors are heavier than air, the difficulty may occur if they come into contact with any flammable thing on the floor like a cigarette butt smoldering, hot surfaces or even a static spark.

For these reasons, it is helpful to keep the following tips in mind when carburer :.

  • Always turn off your car when you feed
  • not smoke or light a flame when you are at a petrol station. Open flames can easily turn into a recipe for disaster!
  • Stay close when you fill. Get into your car and then touching the pump may cause a static charge. If you must enter in your car when you are full, touch the metal exterior of your car before entering the pump making will help you discharge any static you might be picked up on a car seat.
  • Be careful what you do. It is never a good idea to play Crush candy when liters of highly flammable leak in your car!
  • Use approved containers and gas used in the right way. (This would be outside your vehicle, on a stable surface on the floor.) It is also a good idea to touch the pump on the container to prevent ignition from static electricity and fill up to 95 percent to leave room for expansion.
  • Resist the urge to "top off" your tank with extra could cause a dangerous spill by gas.
  • Give your hands a good wash when finished carburer.
  • leave the area immediately and call for help in case of fire starts. Do not attempt to remove the nozzle or cut the gas before leaving.

The tank is something most people do fairly regularly. Keeping these tips in mind, you can help ensure you stay safe when you do.

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