Identity theft: the cavalry is coming

1:33 PM Add Comment
Identity theft: the cavalry is coming -

More than 9 million Americans are victims of some type of identity fraud each year. With the implementation of new "Red Flag Rules" issued by the Federal Trade Commission, consumers are expected to get more protection against identity theft. Under these regulations, banks, credit cards, and other merchants would be necessary to strengthen measures to detect and prevent identity theft. by adopting this regulation, much of the burden of crime prevention has shifted from the consumer to the merchant

"in simple terms, this means that every company must establish a policy to identify danger signs -. Say, if the address on a credit application does not match the one on the credit report for this person - and outline measures to manage. Measures could vary require other documents to deny the application. "

The implementation delayed until 1 May 09
These regulations was planned to kick on November 1, but the start date was recently postponed to 1 May 09 to enable financial institutions more time to plan the implementation of the rules and wrote identify theft prevention programs. While these protections are welcome, consumers should continue to be vigilant and informed on identity theft risks
theft insurance identity
Check with your agent insurance - many insurers offer insurance policies for identity theft, but it is important to understand the coverage that these policies include the National Council of insurance Commissioners (NAIC) said.


"identity theft insurance can not protect you from becoming a victim of identity theft and does not cover direct monetary losses incurred as a result of identity theft. Instead, the identity theft insurance provides coverage for the cost of recovering your financial identity, such as the cost of making phone calls, making copies, mailing documents, taking time off unpaid work (lost wages) and a lawyer hired. "

NAIC suggests checking the insurance policy of your current owners include identity theft. Otherwise, your agent may be able to add identity theft insurance your current policy for a small fee, or help you buy a stand-alone policy from another insurer
More resources :.
FTC - Reduce your risk of theft identity
FTC - Tools for identity theft victims
Red Flag Rules identity theft __gVirt_NP_NN_NNPS <__

According to the Survey of higher satisfaction customer service with local agencies with the centers of calls

12:32 PM Add Comment
According to the Survey of higher satisfaction customer service with local agencies with the centers of calls -

The JD Power and Associates 08 Insurance Customer Contact Study recently surveyed nearly 12,000 customers home and auto insurance to assess satisfaction. Survey participants interacted with their current insurer over the past 12 months, either through an agency, call center or a website. The results show that insurance customers who interact with a local agency tend to be more satisfied than customers who interact with the call center from their insurer. According to the study, "... the routine service interaction is the most important satisfaction of the drive member customer, representing 38 percent of overall customer satisfaction with their insurer."
Regardless of which use customers of the method, the fast resolution through a single channel is an important element of satisfaction:

"have a streamlined contact process is most ideal for customers, and especially those who interact with the call center of their insurers often have higher expectations than those who interact with an agency, "said Bowler. "For example, customer call centers are most satisfied when their issues are resolved the same day to contact their insurer, while agencies can take slightly longer before customers become less satisfied. Similarly, customers expect an agent to retrieve their information in two minutes or less, while the representatives of call centers have only one minute before satisfaction drops significantly. "

the survey also reports that d a quarter of its client overall impression of their agent, agency staff or a representative of the call center is driven by their perception of the courtesy and friendliness of the service chain.

Seasonal reminder: Dry trees are a fire hazard

11:31 AM Add Comment
Seasonal reminder: Dry trees are a fire hazard -

If you're not ready for this holiday tree live, this video is a sad reminder that now is a good time. Experts say that live trees should not be kept for more than three weeks, though well watered. The best way to dispose of the tree is to recycle ... or as wood for your own wood stove or a neighbor or a home, or through a community recycling program - some communities offer services and programs that chip trees for mulch pickup. This site offers links to recycling options Christmas trees by the state.

The most dangerous times to drive

10:30 AM Add Comment
The most dangerous times to drive -

If you are risk averse, avoid driving on Saturdays in August According to a recent article Forbes , these are the most dangerous times to drive. The article is accompanied by a short slide show filled with accident statistics and interesting death
But as Mark Twain liked to say: "There are three kinds of lies :. Lies, damned lies and statistics. " In reader comments about the article, many people point out that it is not the number of deaths that is important, but the relative risk. If numbers alone were important, while motorcycles are the safest means of transport from the large number of deaths is small compared to the automobile. As the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety notes ". The risk is characterized by the poor results for a given level of exposure" To determine the risk, it would be important to determine the mortality rate relative to the number of cars on the road . at one time or in relation to the number of miles driven
That said, the Forbes article highlights an important issue and noted an indisputable fact and sobering: the accidents of automobiles kill more than 40,000 people each year, or about 110 per day, far too many by any criteria could take care to use. And most accidents and injuries are attributable to human error: distractions, speeding, driving while intoxicated, failure to use a seat belt, driving too fast for the weather conditions, and failure to keep a stopping distance of other vehicles. John Tesh has collected some interesting data points on the risks of conduct for the analysis of traffic statistics:

  • Cautious of 82, a woman is more likely to die in a car accident 16 years old boy taking risks. Why? Because 82 years is more fragile
  • The second group most likely to die in a car accident, after the old ladies, young male drivers aged 16 and 23. Their mortality rate 4 times higher than average
  • Drivers in New England are the safest. They get in accidents lowest of all regions
  • The safest passenger in the car? A baby or toddler secured in a car seat during the morning traffic rush hour
  • The safest vehicle is a school bus
  • The most dangerous vehicle is a motorcycle
  • the safest driving day is Wednesday. There are accidents and deaths
  • Saturday are the deadliest days on the road
  • The safest months to drive less: February
  • The most months murderer: October
  • and drivers with the lowest risk of death were older adults between 40 and 50

The deadliest US roads

9:29 PM Add Comment
The deadliest US roads -

Fox News has released its top ten list Deadliest stretches of road in America. To compile this list, they analyzed five years of error reports to determine which roads had the highest number of fatal accidents. For those of us in New England, the good news is that none of these routes can be found here. California has four routes on the list; Florida and Arizona have both two roads on the list; and Texas and Nevada both have. See a comparison table of all auto States death and mortality.
But the pilots of New England should not relax. Nearly 60% of all road deaths occur on rural roads, and two states of New England appear on a 05 report of the States with the highest percentage of deaths on rural roads:

  • Maine (92%)
  • North Dakota (0%)
  • South Dakota (89%)
  • Iowa (88%)
  • Vermont (88%)
  • Montana (86%)
  • Wyoming (84%)
  • South Carolina (83%)
  • Mississippi (82 %)
  • Arkansas (81%)
  • West Virginia (80%)
  • Minnesota (72%)
  • Wisconsin (68%)

If you want to check the safety of the roads in your neighborhood or on your commute route, it is an excellent tool developed by University of Minnesota researchers that allows you to do just that. It combines the Fatality Analysis Reporting System of information with Google Maps to provide a visual representation of road safety across the US You can enter an address and see the roads that have the highest number of fatal traffic accidents in a specified area, or you can display the data for your state.
most dangerous road in the world
as a traitor that some US roads can be, they pale in comparison to Death Road Bolivia, a mountainous stretch 60-70 km between la Paz and Coroico, which is often cited as the most dangerous road in the world. This is the subject of numerous television reports - watch a clip of 6 minutes:

Study: identity fraud is on the rise, but by incident rate is down

8:28 PM Add Comment
Study: identity fraud is on the rise, but by incident rate is down -

The bad news is that the number of identity fraud victims in 08 increased 22%, which includes 9.9 million American adults. The good news is that because consumers and businesses are detecting and resolving fraud more quickly, consumer costs fell $ 718 to $ 496 per incident in 08, a decrease of 31%. The Survey Report 09 identity fraud, which was conducted by Javelin Strategy & Research, also found that the most compromised data is due to low technology methods, such as lost or stolen wallets, checkbooks and credit cards and flow. Another notable trend is that women were 26% more likely to be victims than men in 08, which is awarded to women who make more purchases in person. Note also that 14% of female victims experienced a delay of a year or more before their data has been compromised
Experts suggest the following six steps to prevent fraud of identity:.
1. Be Vigilant -. Regularly monitor your online accounts at the bank and credit card websites, ATMs or by phone and set up alerts that can be sent both online and to a mobile device
2.Keep private personal data - does not provide social security. numbers, passwords, PINs or account numbers over the phone or online unless you initiated the interaction to a verified and trusted location
3.Online is safer than offline - Paperless transactions are conducted in a secure online environment (keep browsers, anti-virus and anti-spyware software updated) reduce the risk of fraud. Instead of paper invoices, statements and checks, replaced by electronic versions
4.Be aware of those around you -. Be aware of those around you when giving financial information by phone or text. Note that more than 10 percent of victims knew their fraud perpetrator
5.Ensure credit and debit cards are protected -. Obtain credit and debit cards from financial institutions that provide zero liability if a card is ever lost, stolen or used without authorization.
6.Learn about identity protection services -. at least, consumers should review their credit report at least once a year, free on or through websites of many financial institutions
identity theft insurance
the national Association of insurance Commissioners has a consumer alert about the insurance identity theft, noting that if the policies are available, they do not protect you from becoming a victim of identity theft and does not cover direct monetary losses incurred as a result of identity theft. Rather, they provide you for any costs that may be incurred in recovering your identity, such as hiring a lawyer, taking time from work and administrative costs such as the cost of telephone calls or postage. Before buying, NAIC recommends checking with your current homeowners policy to see if it already includes such coverage. Otherwise NAIC offers suggestions for things to consider before buying.
For more resources on identity fraud , see the Federal Trade Commission's site identity theft.

More laws to restrict cell phone use and texting while driving his introduction

7:27 PM Add Comment
More laws to restrict cell phone use and texting while driving his introduction -

According to a recent report USA Today , laws increasingly to limit the use of cell phones and texting while driving are being introduced. The report "More than 250 bills prohibiting or restricting the use of cell phones while driving are underway in 42 state legislatures despite disagreement on the risks of cell phones pose and efficiency the application.
the number is up about 0 bills in just 18 states there are 10 months, according to an analysis by the insurance Institute for Highway safety, a research group security funded by insurers Four states -. Georgia, Idaho, North Carolina and Texas - are considering to ban all types of cell phone use while driving, including hands-free devices "

in an accompanying article, the document compiled a table listing sampling. . waiting legilation that would restrict texting or cell phones
These laws are controversial - a lot of people, especially young drivers - are opposed to any restriction. While police often support certain restrictions, they disturb the application. Many favor a broader policy to all issues "distracted" and many others suggest that the prohibitions should focus on novice drivers or public transport drivers. But others are in favor of total restrictions. Part of the legislative activity was driven by (NSC) the call of the Security Council for a national ban on the use of cell phones while driving. This recommendation is based on a study by the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis that found that cell phone use while driving contributes to 6 percent of crashes, which equates to 636,000 crashes, 330,000 injuries, 12,000 serious injuries and 2,0 deaths each year. NSC also cited several other safety studies in their recommendation.
cell phone and texting laws of your state
The Association of Governors Highway Safety maintains a list of the laws of the State of conduct related to cell phone use and texting a graph . The table has been updated in February this year, it is quite common
A summary :.

  • CA, CT, DC, NJ, NY and WA phones outright ban for all drivers; several other states allow the prohibition by the court or have provisions limiting the use of handheld computers. Some states treat cell phone use as a larger problem of distracted driving.
  • No state bans completely all types of mobile phone use (handheld and hands-free), but many prohibit cell phone use by certain segments of the population, such as drivers beginners or school bus drivers.
  • 8 states AK, AR, CA, CT, lA, MN, NJ and WA ban text messaging

Careful what you Tweet - crooks could use social networks, too

6:26 PM Add Comment
Careful what you Tweet - crooks could use social networks, too -

Millions of people share activities in real time with friends, family and colleagues through social networks line like Twitter and Facebook. If you are among those millions, be aware that there may be other parties who find your tweets fascinating, too ... like your local burglar. Recently, an active social networker tweeted his trip only to find his house had been burglarized while he was away. While this may be a coincidence, the victim thinks that this could be related to his public displays - and the news media seems to think so -. See a brief news about the theft
There are probably many more reports of this incident as it is highly tweeted and seems to have attracted the interest is "mainstream" media, too. Although the media likes to hype stories about crimes related to online business, these types of opportunistic crimes are underway long before social media existed. Wiley burglars are often known to target Funeral fans based on obituaries printed in newspapers or after seeing families pack the car for a trip. With basic precautions, social networks can be no more dangerous than other activities of the "real world." In fact, increasingly, social networks are operated by citizens and police to help solve crimes.
So while this incident should not be blown out of proportion, it should serve as a warning of the real potential disadvantage the time of transparency in social networks - especially if you have attracted an audience of people you do not know very well - or at all. Take reasonable precautions and think twice about what and when you share - and with whom
It is also wise to take home security precautions when you plan to be on vacation. - There are specific steps you can take to reduce the likelihood of your being a victim. And while nothing can take away the feeling of violation that occurs after a burglary, be assured correctly can help you recover financially from a loss. If you have any work equipment, antiques or valuable collections, talk to your insurance agent to see if you need an endorsement or an amendment to extend the limits of the coverage of your current policy.

Insurance issues the tour of Michael Jackson canceled - and your next big event ...

5:25 PM Add Comment
Insurance issues the tour of Michael Jackson canceled - and your next big event ... -

Following the untimely death of Michael Jackson at a relatively young age a lot is riding on the results of his autopsy and a decision on the cause of his death. Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) is estimated at approximately $ 40 million at stake, depending on the cause of his death. According to Billboard, about three-quarters of a million concert tickets were sold and AEG Reimbursed of approximately $ 85 million tickets.
As part of the planning of the event searched AEG and secure event cancellation insurance Lloyd's of London. This type of insurance is particularly important to protect all parties against unexpected losses due to a number of problems - sudden unavailability of a place, catastrophic weather conditions which could force cancellation or ill health from the artist, to name a few. In the past, Jackson canceled shows in the last parts of his tour to ill health or exhaustion. Earlier this year, when AEG was arranging for insurance coverage, Jackson had to undergo a medical examination four hours confirming his health.
But like all insurance policies, there are exclusions. If Jackson's death was due to a reason that was excluded in the policy - as a pre-existing medical condition or a substance abuse problem - developers could be left holding the bag. Although autopsy results were inconclusive so far, the ongoing investigations into Jackson's death occur. And with the amount of money involved, it would not be unusual for an insurer to conduct their own investigation.
Business insurance for large events
Rock concert promoters are not the only parties who may require insurance event. This is a common type of insurance requested by the companies and businesses that sponsor large events, conferences and trade shows and depend on income for these events. Whether not the insurance is necessary and how much is usually a matter of scale, depending on the number of people involved and the amount of financial risk and others involved in the event.

"What planners should invest in an insurance depends on the importance of an event is an association or a company financially and what type of risk it assumes." If you value a meeting of the board for 65 people who generate income and was inexpensive to maintain, there is no point, "says James M. Goldberg, a lawyer with Goldberg & Associates based in Washington. "But if it is a big annual event for 3,000 people, which is a major source of income, certainly think about insurance."

event insurance can cover unforeseen problems, and "... the perils that are beyond the control of a scheduler, such as bad weather, a main speaker stall strikes, outbreaks of the disease and so on. "But experts warn that it does not cover poor planning or poor participation.
personal events such as weddings can benefit from insurance, also
Beyond Business , private events can also sometimes benefit from similar types of coverage as the average cost of a wedding up -. United States, it is between $ 20,000 and $ 30,000 - wedding insurance is more more common. wedding insurance can cover the cancellation costs due to weather, disease or the place of downtime. It may also cover losses if the gifts are stolen, damage or loss photos, rings, dresses, etc., and other unexpected problems. If you are planning an expensive reception you can discuss wedding insurance options with your agent. Besides the insurance or other problems, your reception location may require liability insurance. You should also be sure to check that your wedding venue and suppliers are properly insured, and know exactly what and how they could extend insurance to cover any problems you might encounter.

Scammers thrive in a bad economy, recessions

4:24 PM Add Comment
Scammers thrive in a bad economy, recessions -

When times are hard, rest assured, there are always scammers around trying to make things worse. The Federal Trade Commission recently announced the launch of a major sweep targeting fraudsters and crooks that thrive in periods of economic slowdown. Scammers thrive on very human vulnerabilities of people: fear, stress, anxiety, greed, vanity, honesty and compassion. When fraudsters use once mail, phone, or even the local solicitation, today easy to e-mail and websites allows scammers another avenue that can deploy sites quickly and widely. common rules in this economy include schemes to get rich quick, scams debt reduction, recruitment scams work and work at home scams. Authorities warn people to be wary of all the work that charge: "Locations for bogus work at home opportunities involving medical billing, payment processing," mystery shopper "positions that promise to pay you for the purchase anonymously products for businesses and money-order processing jobs are also on the rise, say Better Business Bureau and consumer protection officials "
Then National consumers League recently released its biannual ranking telemarketing and Internet scams top :.
Top scams, Jan. - June 09
1. Fake check scams
2. Internet: Gen Merchandise
3. Price / contest / Free Gifts
4. Phishing / Spoofing
5. Offers money of Nigeria (priceless)
6. business Opportunities / Franchise / Distributor
7. Advance Fee loans, credit Arrangers
8. friendship & Sweetheart scams
9. Internet: Auctions
10. Lottery / Lottery Ticket Buying Clubs

  • If it sounds too good to be true, it is very likely
  • be super cautious of giving out personal information to anyone, especially online
  • Learn how to protect against phishing and other online scams designed to get your personal information or your money
  • do not send money to someone you do not know not
  • Avail you tools and consumer protection resources - we have compiled some below

consumer fraud resources
FBI alerts Scam
Federal Trade Commission Bureau of consumer protection
Federal Citizen information Center - consumer Action website
Better Business Bureau
State attorneys general - site links and phone numbers
State , county and city offices of consumer protection of the government
scams Insurance
identity theft resource Center
National consumer Law Center

Meet the Class of 2013 - wired, hip ... and hopefully insured

3:23 PM Add Comment
Meet the Class of 2013 - wired, hip ... and hopefully insured -

Each August since 1998, when millions of first-year students are preparing to embark on their college years, Beloit College has released the Beloit College Mindset List, which provides a look at the cultural environment that shaped the lives of these students. For those of us with a few years under the belts, the list may be surprising. For the class of 2013, "... Carter and Reagan are as distant to them as Truman and Eisenhower were to their parents. Tattoos, once thought" lower class "are, to them, quite chic . Everyone knows the news before the evening news comes on. "
for the freshmen this year, Martha Graham, Pan American Airways, Michael Landon, Dr. Seuss, Miles Davis, and Freddie Mercury have always been dead. Smoking has never been glorified, the books have always been available on an electronic screen, and wars have always unfolded on live television. We gave you a sample of data points, but the entire list makes for a fun read. You can also refer to 1998 for archived lists
Some things never change
While the cultural zeitgeist could change one thing never changes. Parents want to ensure that students are safe and secure while away at school. As your students go to school, it is important steps to take to ensure they are adequately covered by insurance and make sure they understand the coverage and benefits available to them. If your student will be living away from home, you must make sure they have emergency phone numbers and know how to make a claim for loss or accident. Some of the insurance coverage issues you need to consider include:
Health Insurance - Does your student will be covered by your policy, or will you need to hold the cover? Many family policies will cover full-time students, but you need to check how the insurance company defines full-time. Also check the benefits of your plan, coverage area, and coverage requirements. If your student is an athlete, check the limits of coverage - you may need to arrange for additional coverage
Auto insurance -. Does your student have a full-time car in their college? If so, they may need their own policy. Otherwise, you might be able to save money on your policy if they use your car intermittently. Ask if any "good student" or credit "of the safety pilot" are available for your student -. Availability may depend on the state and the insurance company
property - Theft is the most common crime on campus college. If your student will live in a dormitory, personal property can be covered by your current homeowner's policy, but if they live in an apartment, they may need rental insurance. Do not assume that the college or the owner will have a cover that encompass possession of your child in case of fire, theft or loss - check the policy of your landlord to know the extent of your coverage - you may need additional insurance if your student has an expensive electronic equipment.
Of course, these are just the basics. There are other issues such as identity theft, credit cards, life insurance, and more. Remember, many insurance issues and are governed by specific state laws in the state. Often alerts offers consumers assurance offices of the state so check with the website of your state
Here are some other resources to help you plan the insurance needs of your students :.
College Insurance Needs - published in 08 by the Massachusetts Insurance Division
Parents: Know your student before your insurance policy goes to school - a 09 Consumer alert the Kansas Insurance Department
College-Bound? Keep an eye on your GPA and your Personal Possessions - advice and insurance safety tips from the Insurance Information Institute
What are the needs of your student know about identity theft - a consumer alert to the national Association of insurance cOMMISSIONERS
Heading Off to college with an empty wallet? - Tips for managing money immediately to the school of the Insurance Information Institute
College athletes often underinsured
College Health and Safety Tips
Campus Safety Tips

Are you an "accidental owner" or "reluctant owner?"

2:22 PM Add Comment
Are you an "accidental owner" or "reluctant owner?" -

A difficult economy byproduct is an increase of reluctant owners. Many owners have was forced to move for employment or other reasons, but they can not sell their first home that they rent out other value their home, reluctant to sell low and take a loss. - then they trying to wait out the market by renting their first home. It is difficult to know the extent of this practice, but a gauge is that some insurers report a recent increase of 25% or more by demand for owner insurance.
Although individual circumstances vary and there are times when it makes sense to rent a home, experts advise caution. waiting on the market can be a chancy proposition because it can take years for the market appreciate enough. Meanwhile, there are a variety of additional costs and responsibilities that an owner must assume: taxes, maintenance, repairs, insurance and asset management, to name a few. It can be difficult to charge enough rent to recover costs. In addition, the rent for a number of years can eliminate or reduce the value of tax exclusions capital gains.
If you try to make a decision on the sale at a loss or renting your property, be sure to read the comments of the article where several readers to share their experiences of being owners. The author also offers advice and helpful resources on renting your home in a sidebar to the article.
Do not forget the insurance owner
If you suddenly find yourself accidentally owner, make sure that you are properly insured. The Insurance Information Institute notes that owns insurance usually costs about 25% more than a standard homeowners policy, but the price may fluctuate based on a number of variables: what state is your home, the condition and the location of your property, what type of property is (condo, house or multi-unit capita, for example) and the level of coverage you need. Insurance Journal talks about what the owner insurance does and does not cover:

"These policies typically cover the building in case it is damaged or destroyed by fire, lightning, wind, hail, cars or collapse of ice, snow or ice. they also cover the owner's personal property used by the tenant or used to maintain the house. This could include appliances and machinery development . landscape as snowblowers and lawnmowers "

... and another important area of ​​coverage:

" ... coverage helps protect homeowners from liability if someone is injured on their property. Some policies also pay for all or part of the court costs. It will also pay some or all medical costs for those injured on the property if the owner is found liable .
Unlike the policy of an owner, the owner policy will also compensate for the loss of rent if the building is uninhabitable because of the damage is covered by insurance. This is a big problem for an owner who relies solely on this income, especially if the building is being repaired for a long time. "

Talk with your agent about exactly what a policy would be and would not understand. Some of the variables that affect the price and want to talk over with your agent deductible limits ( how much you pay out of your pocket in the event of a loss before the insurance kicks) and if your coverage is for replacement value or monetary value of the losses. you may want to complete a basic policy with options additional coverage for things that are not included as cover for floods or cover additional responsibility You also need to look at reductions that could be available -. they can vary from insurer to insurer. some possible reductions include discounts for multiple policies with one insurer packaging or reductions for safety or protection devices on your property.

Seasonal road hazards: deer, moose and other ruminants

1:21 PM Add Comment
Seasonal road hazards: deer, moose and other ruminants -

The time of the year again: peak car-deer collision season. More than half of all deer vehicle accidents occur each year in October to December, with November being the peak months. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), more than 150 deaths each year are caused by collisions between vehicles and deer. Deer are fast, unpredictable and may appear in the blue.

But deer are not the only danger fours - moose and elk are serious risks of the road, too. Bigger, taller and with more body mass than deer, a bull moose can reach up to 1500 pounds. And because they are tall with long legs, they often come right through the windshield when hit, a serious risk to car occupants. See this comparison mammmal illustration size to get an idea of ​​how big moose, elk, deer and other wild animals can be.

IIHS released a picture of death accidents with animals, followed in 1975 . They note that many of these deaths could have been avoided:

"Most road deaths occurred after a motor vehicle had hit an animal, then run off the road or a motorcyclist fell to 'A bike. Many of these deaths would not have occurred with proper protection. The study found that 60 percent of those killed riding in vehicles were not using seat belts, and 65 percent of those killed riding on motorcycles were not wearing helmets. "

Here are some resources to help you assess the relative risk of your state regarding the large animals of the deer family:
-Moose populations in some states
-Elk population by state
driving tips to avoid collision with deer and moose

  • Wear your seat belt
  • Be especially alert at dawn, at dusk. the most collisions occur between 5 and 10 hours
  • If you see one deer, there may be others. - Travel deer in herds
  • Heed posted panels warning wildlife - they are there for a reason
  • Avoid speeding. Slow down around the curves
  • Scan the sides of the road -. Monitor the movement
  • Be especially careful on the roads with woods, farmland and water
  • Be careful and slow night. You can see the deer's eyes reflected in your lights, but the moose eyes do not reflect light.
  • Watch other traffic - if you see the cars stopped or slow down, it may indicate an animal
  • Flash lights to warn other drivers
  • Do not try to exceed Crossing or beat an animal
  • Use lights when you can
  • If you see an animal horn. Your lights may confuse or freeze an animal.
  • Motorcycles are particularly vulnerable - a cyclist can even be loaded by a large animal

What if you hit a deer or moose
stop your car, turn on the hazard lights. You want to be visible so that no other car hit you, your car, or animal. Avoid approaching a wounded animal, which can be very dangerous. In some states, if there are no injuries and your car is drivable, you would not be required to report the collision to the police. If you are unsure of the law of the state, call the police. They alert the rangers or the competent authorities to treat the animal. Some states allow you to keep an animal for meat, but you may need a permit. Report the accident to your insurance agent as soon as possible.
Drivers should be aware that not all car insurance cover deer or moose collisions. Full insurance is required to pay for damage from an animal collision. Some people only have a collision coverage and are not exhaustive.

Insurance Car Rental - do you need

12:20 PM Add Comment
Insurance Car Rental - do you need -

To buy or not to buy? This is the dilemma of the typical consumer when renting a car and face the issue of insurance. This short podcast of the Insurance Information Institute (III) helps you understand the choices. Also, see Article III to help you determine if you need car rental insurance separately. III suggests that, before doing anything, make sure that your current auto insurance policy covers - your agent can help you, or you can directly call the insurer. Also, check with your credit card company, because there may be insurance benefits related to your card.

Are you losing on possible discounts on your homeowners and auto insurance

11:19 AM Add Comment
Are you losing on possible discounts on your homeowners and auto insurance -

In these difficult times, everyone is looking to save money where they can - even many insurance buyers are leaving money on the table in the form of discounts which they could be realized, but maybe just do not know. Renaissance member of the Alliance of Wayne Wiersma Wiersma Insurance brought to our attention a recent national survey conducted for Trusted Choice and the Big "I".
The survey found that over 34% of respondents said they do not take advantage of discounts owners or do not know what these cuts were available and 20% did not know or said they maximize not all car insurance discounts available to them. This translates to about 53 million US households. Are you one of these households?
Have you checked with your agent what discounts may be available to you? You can often get discounts by consolidating policies with an insurer. There are many other potential discounts available - even if the discounts vary by insurer or by the state. The Council offers IIABA sheet on various insurance discounts that may be available. (Note that this link is to a Microsoft Word document to download.)
Do not spend more money than you have in 2010 - call your agent to discuss potential reductions


New Year's Resolution: inventory of your goods

10:18 AM Add Comment
New Year's Resolution: inventory of your goods -

Whether you rent or own, it is extremely important to know your stuff. Do you have a home inventory of all your assets? According to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), about half of recently surveyed people do not.
Nick Hytrek talks about the importance of logging your possessions in a recent article in the Sioux City Journal , and notes that the post-holiday period is a good time to start or to updates that may exist:

"It is much easier to take inventory now, rather than after a fire gutted your home There is enough to think about without having to try. remember everything you owned once the insurance adjuster arrives.
"After a fire, they fundamentally call you a piece of paper and pencil and write tell all your assets," said Wynn Gochenour, executive adminstrator at Paul Davis Restoration. "Most people do not do it in advance, but wish they could."

We have already suggested Know Your Stuff, a free online tool issued by the Insurance Information Institute, which is great for this purpose. It has a system room by room inventory that allows you to create, view, save and print reports in real time. You can learn more about the inventory system in a short video clip. The article also notes that there Hytek national companies who will come and make inventories of houses and assessment for you -. a service that could be useful if you have expensive collections
Hytek offers the following tips to make a home inventory, sourced from the NAIC: ..

  • paper each item as completely as possible including the brand and
  • model number
  • include receipts and / or canceled checks to prove you paid for the items
  • Remember to include items you do not use regularly, such as holiday decorations, sports equipment or tools.
  • Check your insurance policy to see what is covered and whether your belongings are insured for the actual cash value (the amount it would take to replace or repair the item after amortization) or for replacement cost (the amount it would take to repair or replace the item without depreciation).
  • for rare or valuable items such as jewelry, antiques or art, you may want to consider adding additional insurance - a runner -. your policy
  • Keep the list completed outside of your home. Keep it in your office, home box or safe of a family member.
  • Update the list every year.

Helping older drivers to make a difficult decision: hang up the keys

9:17 PM Add Comment
Helping older drivers to make a difficult decision: hang up the keys -

Good Morning America broadcast a series on aging and one difficult subjects they address is the question senior driving. In Mom & Dad, we need to talk, they explore the ways that adult children can help their parents make the difficult and often painful decision to hang up the car keys.
It is not a question that should be put out because, at some point, it is a matter of safety - both for older drivers and the general public. GMA cites some grim statistics:

"While most seniors are cautious behind the wheel, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, drivers aged over 70 have a higher mortality rate mile than any other group, except for people under 25 and most of these deaths happened in a kind of crossroads.
a 07 study by the insurance Institute for Highway safety found that 40 percent of serious accidents at intersections involved over 70 years Add to that the fact that the number of older drivers is expected to double to 70 million by the year 2030 and you have the makings of a potentially dangerous problem ".

They also publish 10 warning signs of AARP for the time to limit or stop driving.

  1. Almost crush, with frequent "close calls"
  2. Find dents and scratches on the car, on fences, mailboxes, garage doors, curbs, or the like
  3. Getting lost
  4. trouble seeing or following traffic lights, road signs and pavement markings
  5. Responding more slowly to unexpected situations, or have trouble moving your foot from the gas to the brake pedal; confusing the two pedals
  6. evil Judging gaps in traffic at intersections and on highway entrances and exit ramps
  7. Experiencing road rage or having other drivers frequently honk at you
  8. Easily becoming distracted or having difficulty concentrating while driving
  9. struggle to turn around to check on your shoulder when backing or changing lanes
  10. Receiving traffic tickets or "warnings" of the traffic police or law enforcement in the last year or two

Please steal me when the social networking rotates risky

8:16 PM Add Comment
Please steal me when the social networking rotates risky -

As social networking becomes more and more entrenched in people's lives, many unwary users, naive or new may be inadvertently increasing their risk of becoming a victim of crime.
a site called graphically illustrates this point by highlighting recent tweets in which Twitter users say disciples where they can be found. The site is simply the aggregation of public information that is available to everyone - you, me ... and scammers. As noted by the founder website

"The danger is publicly told people where you are. Indeed, he left a place you're definitely not ... home. So here we are; on one end we leave the lights on when we go on holiday, and on the other, we say that everyone on the Internet, we are not at home. "

The aim of the site is to raise awareness of the potential dangers location sharing to make people think about how they use various social tools such as Twitter, Foursquare, Brightkite ., Google Buzz and Facebook
last June, we posted careful what you tweet - crooks could use social networks, too, about the highly publicized case of an active social networker who tweeted his trip to come home to find that his house had been broken into while he was away. while the dangers of the Internet can sometimes be overly dramatized in the media, awareness of how social media tools are used is laudable goal. It is a new era of increased transparency and we all need to learn to step carefully.

Behind the wheel: when to be polite is too dangerous

7:15 PM Add Comment
Behind the wheel: when to be polite is too dangerous -

On this day in road rage and rudeness of the road, it seems a bit crazy to take the problems with drivers who are polite - but in an article by Joseph Younger right when Active Courtesy Dangerous CarandTravel reminds us that there are times when politeness may inadvertently cause you trouble. This is generally at intersections or right situations manner. "Drivers who sell their rights out of courtesy, thinking they are doing you a favor, you could actually endanger." They offer a handy list of "Dos and Don'ts" - if you are in the "courteous driver camp" might make you think twice the error of your ways; and if you are a recipient of such a courtesy, she explains why for traffic can not be such a favor, after all.

Rules Refresher road
Blog Safety Consumer Reports comments on this article, and said the right thing to do in a "right of passage "impasse is to follow the rules of the road. They display a handy list of" right of way "rules of New York.

Massachusetts priority rules of law can be found in the owner's handbook. We extract the main rules, but the manual offers a handy refresher for those and other traffic laws.

not controlled by signals Intersections
You must yield the right of way way to any vehicle that has entered the intersection on your right or towards the right.
Search all traffic approaching from the left. Even though you may have the right to legal passage, make sure the other driver yields to you before proceeding.

Four-way stops
At an intersection controlled by stop signs in all directions, you must give way to ...

  • another vehicle that has already come to a complete stop at the intersection
  • a vehicle on your immediate right that stopped at the intersection at the same time you

when a four-way stop, the vehicles shall proceed in the order they stopped. The first stop is the next to go. If in doubt, give the
Confusion can develop to arrest four intersections right of passage routes to the driver on your right .. You should try to make eye contact with drivers of other vehicles at the intersection to better judge their intentions and avoid accidents.

Turning Left
When making a left turn, you must first give the right of way at all:

  • Oncoming vehicle
  • vehicle already in the intersection
  • pedestrians or cyclists crossing your intended path of travel

private roads, driveways and unpaved roads
If you enter a paved road of a private road, driveway, or an unpaved road, you first have to stop and give right of way to pedestrians, cyclists or vehicles traveling on the road you enter.

by middleweight
If you approach a designated direction, you must give the right of way to traffic on the par-way before turning.

simple Intersection or two-lane road and multiple-lane road
If you are traveling on a road with one or two channels and reach a junction with a wider road, you must give way to vehicles on a highway or a road to three lanes or more.

traffic moves counterclockwise around a turn. You must always give way to vehicles already in rotation (unless otherwise indicated by signs or local police officers) and pedestrians. You must use your turn signals in the same way as any other intersection: Travel through the rotation and when you are ready to leave, use your right turn signal

Other situations that require you to give . the right of way

  • pedestrians walking or crossing a carriageway
  • Any animal that leadeth, riding, or driving
  • funeral processions (in MA, it is against the law to disturb or cut through a funeral procession)

Volcanoes and travel insurance: is my journey assured

6:14 PM Add Comment
Volcanoes and travel insurance: is my journey assured -

If you purchased travel insurance before the recent volcanic eruptions, your travel can be covered by the policy, as exclusions? . But if you're hoping to get travel insurance to protect you against any disruption related volcanoes in the future, you're probably out of luck - Scott McCartney Wall Street Journal reports that the April 13, he no ash more coverage. It is similar in principle why you can not call your agent to buy an insurance policy against flooding in the middle of a hurricane. The insurance covers unexpected events, not the events that are ongoing.
Now if you have ever had travel insurance, are you covered? That's a complex question because there is no insurance policy travel standards - they vary greatly. Whether or not you are covered will depend on the type of coverage you purchased, how much coverage you purchased, that the exclusions and specific practices of the company you purchased it. McCartney said:

Even if purchased before April 13, travel insurance may be of limited use for travelers. If companies reimburse tickets for canceled trips, for example, there is no claim from insurers. If you have not left home, you will not get money for hotels, resorts under most policies. And many policies have limits on daily expenses if you are stranded away from home.

He notes that even if you have a pre-paid stay, travel insurance often covers the rooms that are deemed "uninhabitable".
It is too early to estimate the number of passengers have been moved, but the final tally will no doubt enormous. Insurance companies say they are inundated with requests and pleas for help. An article in the New York Times tells us that travel insurers are looking for an event that will cost millions.

"While there may be exclusions, companies have typically covered nonrefundable prepaid travel that can pay stranded passengers $ 150 to $ 250 per day for a maximum of $ 1,500." offers a brief note on volcanoes, airport closures, and travel insurance, as well as more clear on how insurers travel help stranded travelers.
More resources
the insurance information Institute offers an overview of different types of travel insurance before a blog featured a Quiz travel insurance See also CNN article:.. 6 tips to avoid insurance fraud Voyage

Keep July 4th fun: Holiday safety tips

5:13 PM Add Comment
Keep July 4th fun: Holiday safety tips -

Firework safety - Every year there are thousands of wounded and about 30,000 fires caused by fires fireworks. According to the National Fire Protection Association, in 08 there were 7,000 casualties and 7 deaths, with 70% of injuries occur between June 20 and July 20. Even devices that many might consider safe can be risky. For example, the tip of a sparkler burns at a temperature of about 00 ° F - hot enough to cause third degree burns. The US Fire Administration offers advice on the safety of fireworks. And remember - many states prohibit some or all fireworks: Use this clickable map to check the laws of the State of fireworks fires
security Voyager - if you go spend the holidays away from home, you may want to be careful. with what you share on social networks like Twitter and Facebook. Unless your network is private and you are careful not to link to personal information, announcing your plans to be away could inadvertently switch a burglar would be that your house will be vacant. See our previous post: Please steal me when social networks are risky. Of course, not all crooks use technology to target empty houses, some just use the powers of the old school observation. Before going further, it is good to take precautions to protect your home when traveling. And here are some tips to prevent identity theft when traveling
Safety Driving -. The fourth of July weekend is one of the deadliest times of year to drive. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has been tracking statistics of car accidents for 25 years, and the Fourth of July in the lead often lost for fatal car crashes. And July 4 death, usually more than half are related to alcohol. Most states have intensive DUI checkpoints set up the holiday weekend. And you all sober drivers need to be especially alert, defensive driving on heavy traffic weekends. Visit our journey on the road vacation tips
More safety tips for the holiday weekend
Summer food poisoning is no picnic
Ensuring the safety of children: holiday safety resources and was
pool and spa safety and insurance coverage
bicycle security for children

Hurricane Preparation: Tips pros

4:12 PM Add Comment
Hurricane Preparation: Tips pros -

The east coast is thick in preparation for the arrival of Hurricane Earl. Wayne Wiersma of Wiersma Insurance Agency offers a link to a great sheet of a page people in Harleysville Insurance: Tips for Common Sense: Before and after a hurricane. It offers planning time lines for 36 and 24 hours before a hurricane, as well as tips on what to do after a hurricane and how to report a claim. (Please note, however, that the indicated phone numbers are only valid if for Harleysville customers. For all others, it would be a good idea to have handy phone numbers for both and your agent. 'your homeowners and auto insurance companies) information on insurance Institute also offers Hurricane Preparation Tips
Here are some useful links :.
National Hurricane Center National Weather Service
Hurricane Tracker
Hurricane Response & Recovery FEMA
emergency preparation Business Resources FEMA

Pumpkins and peril: preparing for a fun and safe Halloween

3:11 PM Add Comment
Pumpkins and peril: preparing for a fun and safe Halloween -

With Halloween just around the corner, we offer the Ray Villafane gallery pumpkins for inspiration. Ray could be the Pumpkin Master - if its pumpkin carving tips videos can be instructive. Or you can see it in action -. He has been featured on CBS News

For more sculpture of inspiration pumpkins and advice, we indicate Extreme Pumpkin, which has some terrible and suitably terrifying examples / horrible bizarre pumpkins (... but your insurance advisors, we advise you to take great care with all of the power tool and pyrotechnic options.) of the Pumpkin Gutter galleries are equally impressive, offering a combination of Art, humor and horror. And if you're of a mind to do it yourself, visit Pumpkin Carving 101, which had a lot of useful information how-to information.
To reduce the risk of fire, we recommend glow sticks or flickering LED lights batteries to illuminate your pumpkin. (For more Halloween special effects, check flame lights powered by battery)

Have fun, stay safe
It is important to have fun on this great party. - But it is also important to be safe. While we focus on zombies and monsters, it is important not to forget the more traditional risks to people and property. Courtesy of Independent Agents & Brokers of America, we offer the following safety tips:

  • preventing accidents: Remove or move the garden furniture or other obstacles, for avoid accidents or damage. Ensure the entrance to your home is in good condition, free of loose or broken pieces on stairwells and walkways to avoid trick-or-treaters injuries on your property
  • Fire Hazards :. Prevent fires by making sure pumpkins containing candles are placed at a distance where the costume of a child can not be turned on or a curious guest can tip. Extinguish all candles before going to bed and the lights use battery operated whenever possible
  • Security Costume :. Be careful with the costumes. All costumes must be made of fireproof materials and should not be too long or contain sharp accessories. Try to avoid masks that may obscure vision and try to use hypoallergenic makeup instead
  • See and be seen :. Encourage each trick-or-treater and chaperones for a flashlight. . Apply the light-reflecting material to costumes
  • Do not be a scary driver: Drive sober, slowly and even more attention than usual on Halloween. Watch for children who may be running or dressed in dark suits on the road
  • Power in Numbers :. When walking, travel in groups and only through corners and crosswalks, never between parked cars and stay on well-lit streets
  • unwelcome guests :. startle potential vandals property that often use the chaos of the night strike Halloween keeping outdoor lights on
  • Security Pet :. Keep pets inside. Warn your children to stay away from animals as they go door-to-door. Halloween night can be stressful, even the friendliest dog or cat or other creatures
  • Candy Inspection :. Cavities are not the only risks candy on Halloween. Inspect treats all children. Never eat unpackaged items, collect candy only from those you know and ask the local police department if it offers a sweet x-ray and / or inspection service. Throw away any suspicious candy.

Auto theft: the hottest holidays and the hottest cars

2:09 PM Add Comment
Auto theft: the hottest holidays and the hottest cars -

Enjoy your New Year celebrations, AOS Eve, but you may want to keep your mind about you on New Year Day, OSA. According to the National Insurance Bureau of Crime (NICB), in 09 New Year Day, AOS was the highest day for auto theft. In 09, following holidays were classified by the volume of flights

  • New Day Year, Aos 2760
  • Halloween 2325
  • Independence Day 2207
  • Memorial day 2207
  • day President AOS 2204
  • Labor day 2202
  • New Year, Aos Eve 2189
  • day Valentine AOS 200
  • Christmas eve 1,851
  • Thanksgiving 1620
  • Christmas day 1336

want to know which car models thieves favored in 09? Visit the NICB report on the AOS Hot Wheels report. Select your location from a dropdown list to learn the 10 most frequently stolen cars in your state. You can also check the flight nation, AOS top 10 car hotspots.
To minimize the risk of car theft and increase the probability of recovery of the vehicle if the theft occurs, NCIB recommends a layered approach to protection. This layered approach combines common sense, a warning device, a locking device and a tracking device.

The votes are for the most risky movie 2010

1:08 PM Add Comment
The votes are for the most risky movie 2010 -

For fans of films, all eyes were on Hollywood last night that Oscar Annual Awards winners have been named. For those of us in the insurance industry, every year, we also look for another prize, one that does not get as much public acclaim :. The announcement of the riskiest movie of the year
Drumroll ~ ~
... and the year of the riskiest film is salt, a movie about a CIA agent (Angela Jolie) accused of being a Russian spy. The choice was made by the Fireman Fund Insurance, who should know because they share about 80% of the American film industry. This includes providing insurance for a star who liked to do his own stunts responsibility for damage to filming locations, and everything else. According to the report in Chad Hemenway PropertyCacualty360 , action movies are always an expensive proposition -. And movies with animals also carry a high degree of risk
In Agent & Broker American, Melissa Hillebrand offers a fascinating look behind the scenes of the insurance and cinema-related risks. And to learn more about insurance issues, the Hollywood style, see our post from 2010 :. Risk insurance and films

Home inventory: There is an app for that

12:07 PM Add Comment
Home inventory: There is an app for that -

Tech Farhad Manjoo critical of The New York Times recently ran a lap of applications for the horizon original inventories, with sound! Review the advantages and disadvantages of each system. Manjoo has a point of view of the organization and management of assets, and inventory as a first step in the simplification potential of your life. For those of us in the world of insurance, there is another practical purpose to home inventories that can be summarized in two words: risk management. If you suffer from theft, fire or other type of loss, having a record of your valuables will help you -. If you need to file a claim, a request for emergency relief, or documents of losses for tax purposes
Manjoo discusses several applications for phones and laptops, with options ranging from $ 4.99 $ 50. Some useful features, such as trackers guarantee and the ability to upload and annotate photos from your phone. But most require a fair amount of work to enter the information manually. A Mac program that he has found the scanning capacity bar code that simplifies the process, at least for your new possessions.
Whatever system you use, it is important to keep things going, as James Lynch points out in his post there in your home? on the blog of the Insurance Information Institute Terms + Conditions . And it reminds us about Know Your Stuff, a free online service home inventory III. The following video provides a good introduction.

Thinking of starting a business? Here is a toolkit Small Business Insurance

11:06 AM Add Comment
Thinking of starting a business? Here is a toolkit Small Business Insurance -

When planning for a new business, are you sure you know enough about your insurance needs? Test your IQ insurance business with a quiz prepared by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) to see how you fare.
If you are currently in the planning stages for the launch of a new or home business, an important aspect of the business plan is factoring insurance costs. An independent insurance agent should be part of your planning and advisory team. But until you do your planning, there are many good resources online where you can learn some basics of business insurance.
offers NAIC Insure U for Small Business. The site is an excellent introduction to business insurance, offering useful information, tips and considerations on small business owners and home based businesses.
Here are links to larger groups that the site covers.

  • Workers Comp
  • property and liability business
  • Auto sales
  • Group Health and Disability
  • Life and Key Person Group
  • home

the insurance information Institute is also an authorized source and unbiased information on general insurance business and a useful glossary insurance terms. Here are some other essential tools they offer for a small business:

  • Small Business Insurance Basics
  • What a businessowners policy (BP) cover
  • in development? a disaster recovery plan for Small Enterprises
  • specialized business insurance - including items for specific types of business
  • The commercial property insurance - including items for home businesses
  • compensation
  • workers
  • commercial auto
  • commercial insurance liability

To go on holiday? 5 steps to secure your home while you are away!

10:05 AM Add Comment
To go on holiday? 5 steps to secure your home while you are away! -

Summer vacation is always fun, but there are some steps that you should take to ensure that your home is protected.

1. Secure your property. Check to be sure all doors and windows are locked. Bring valuables and furniture outside that could be damaged in a storm. If you have an alarm system, motion detectors, or outdoor lighting, make sure they are set for when you are away.

2. Avoid giving signals that you are away. Try to make things normally as they would if you were at home. Cancel mail and newspapers so they do not accumulate. Use timers to turn on lights at night. Arrange to have the grass mowed.

3. Be careful with sharing on social networks. Unless your list of friends is limited strictly to the family and a few trusted friends, do not announce your travel plans on Facebook, Twitter or other social media. Be careful to check with FourSquare or other services that give your remote location. Be careful about viewing and sharing real-time updates and photos as the telegraph information that your house is empty.

4. Ask a neighbor or relative to keep an eye on your property while you are away. Leave contact information and a key for emergencies. A trusted neighbor could even leave a garbage bag in front of your house on the day of the trash or occasionally park in your driveway.

5. Check your home and auto insurance before going away to ensure that your coverage is current and that you have adequate coverage. Knowing what policies you have and what insurers. Make sure you bring the phone number of your insurance agent if you need right away

Here are some other good advice of experts :.
Tips for securing your home while on vacation
do not let your vulnerable House Break-in, floods during the holidays

Identity theft is on the students return and colleges are at high risk

9:04 PM Add Comment
Identity theft is on the students return and colleges are at high risk -

US identity fraud is at record levels, and recent reports indicate that students are particularly at risk for identity theft, in part because it often takes them twice as long to learn that they have been scammed. Studies show that most fraud is beginning to happen with a week from which the data is stolen. But because college kids are less likely to follow the banking and credit card on a regular basis and in a timely manner, fraud often goes undetected more

Additional risks that make them susceptible to students identity theft:.
So- called "friendly fraud" - fraud perpetrated by friends and family -. accounts for one in seven cases of fraud
College students are very active on social media sites, and can inadvertently share more sensitive information than they realize
to discourage. identity theft, experts offer the following tips:

  • Monitor your accounts regularly
  • Be careful about sharing credentials on social networking sites
  • Learn to recognize and be alert for phishing scams
  • Use strong passwords and change them frequently
  • Disconnecting your computer when you are not using
  • Keep your computer updated with the latest spyware and virus

for more resources on identity fraud,

see identity Site identity theft to the Federal Trade Commission and e-scams & warnings the FBI page. insurance against theft

you can consider the insurance identity theft, but first be sure that you learn about what it does and does not cover before you buy - many people have misconceptions. Also, check to see how any existing coverage you have, as owners, could protect you. And do your homework before buying. Check the National Association of Insurance Commissioners Consumer Alert, which notes that, although policies are available, they do not protect you from becoming a victim of identity theft and does not cover direct monetary losses incurred as a result of a identity theft. Rather, they provide you for any costs that may be incurred in recovering your identity, such as hiring a lawyer, taking time from work and administrative costs such as the cost of telephone calls or postage.

Indiscriminate tastes of animals

8:03 PM Add Comment
Indiscriminate tastes of animals -

dog-diamonds.jpg We often offer tips on protecting your property against theft and natural disasters ... but if the natural disaster walking four palpated? Recently, a Pomeranian swallowed $ 10,000 diamond. Dogs seem particularly willing to eat any variety of items lying around the house. Underwear was cited as part of most household ingested by dogs. One factor could be the owners tend to leave underwear lying on the floor, but this may lead to an unexpected trip to the vet.
This is not something new, in fact, lack of dietary discretion in animals led her Elkin, a veterinary imaging company, to sponsor an annual "They Ate What?" competition X-ray. Entries included a mixture of dog that ate 309 nails and a Labrador retriever who swallowed a paring knife 5 inches.
Diamonds, nails and knives may seem obvious things for animals to avoid, but Vetstreet complied a list of human foods that are dangerous for dogs and cats that might not be so obvious. Follow the link for more details on what makes these toxic foods for dogs and cats and to learn more about the symptoms that accompany it. Here's a quick overview of their 10

  • Xylitol
  • Chocolate
  • Coffee
  • Caffeine
  • Grapes
  • Grapes
  • Avocados
  • garlic
  • Onions
  • macadamia

Whether engaging elements house or human consumption, it is important to keep potentially dangerous items away from your pets. If your pet has swallowed something potentially dangerous or toxic, it is important to immediately contact your veterinarian or call the Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435. And if your pet is a compulsive eater and blind, plus a visit to the vet, you may want to consult your insurance agent to ask about pet insurance!

Tomorrow is a day that your boss would be happy to hear you say "I quit"

6:01 PM Add Comment
Tomorrow is a day that your boss would be happy to hear you say "I quit" -

Tomorrow is the Great American Smokeout Day. Tobacco use remains the leading preventable cause of disease and premature death in the United States, but more than 46 million Americans still smoke.
In addition to the toll that smoking takes on health, there are financial costs to smoke, too. There is the cost of cigarettes, of course - which adds to serious money over one year or several years. Smokers also pay more for life insurance. In addition, many employers are beginning to demand higher rates for smokers health insurance. Some employers have a smoking policy does not apply.
There are other less obvious costs. Smoking is bad for your computer, it can affect the resale value of your car, and it can cause serious damage to your home, even making it more difficult to sell
If you smoke, why not try leaving -. At least for a day? The American Cancer Society offers a guide to quitting. There are also several excellent Quitting free help lines - call 1-800-QuitNow


Safety tips for holiday home decoration

5:00 PM Add Comment
Safety tips for holiday home decoration -

Earlier in the week, we talked about electrical safety for outdoor Christmas decorations. We will end the week with some tips on inddor holiday decorating safety of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Trees & Decorations

  • When purchasing an artificial tree, look for the label "Fire Resistant." Although this label does not mean the tree will not catch fire, it indicates the tree resists burning and should extinguish quickly.
  • When purchasing a live tree, check for freshness. A fresh tree is green, needles are hard to pull from branches and when bent between your fingers, needles do not break. The trunk butt of a fresh tree is sticky with resin, and when tapped on the ground, the tree should not lose many needles.
  • When setting up a tree at home, place it away from fireplaces and radiators. Because heated rooms dry live trees out rapidly, be sure to keep the stand filled with water.
  • Place the tree on the taxiway and do not block doorways.


  • inside or outside, use only lights that have been tested for safety by a laboratory 'recognized testing, which indicates compliance with safety standards. Use only lights that have fused plugs.
  • Check each set of lights, new or old, for broken or cracked sockets, frayed or bare son, or loose connections, and discard damaged sets. Always replace the bulbs quickly burned with the same wattage bulbs.
  • Do not use more than three sets of standard size lights per single extension cord. Make sure the extension cord is rated for the intended use.
  • Never use electric lights on a metallic tree. The tree can become charged with electricity from faulty lights, and a person touching a branch could be electrocuted.
  • Before using lights outdoors, check labels to be sure they have been certified for outdoor use.
  • Fasten outdoor lights securely to trees, house walls, or other firm supports to protect the lights from wind damage. Use only insulated staples to hold strings in place, not nails or tacks. Or, run strings of lights through hooks (available at hardware stores).
  • Turn off all lights when you go to bed or leave the house. The lights could short out and start a fire.
  • For additional protection against electric shock, plug the lights and outdoor electrical decorations into circuits protected by circuit breakers leakage to ground (GFCI). open air portable GFCIs can be purchased where electrical supplies are sold. GFCI can be installed permanently to household circuits by a qualified electrician.


  • Use only non-combustible or fire-resistant materials to trim a tree. Choose tinsel or artificial icicles of plastic or metal nonleaded. Leaded materials are hazardous if ingested by children.
  • Never use lighted candles on a tree or near other evergreens. Always use non-flammable, and place candles where they will not be reversed.
  • In homes with small children, take special care to avoid decorations sharp, weighted or breakable. Keep trimmings with small removable parts out of the reach of children who could swallow or inhale small pieces, and avoid trimmings that resemble candy or food that may tempt a child to eat.
  • Wear gloves to avoid eye and skin irritation while decorating with spun glass "angel hair." Follow the instructions of the container carefully to avoid lung irritation while decorating with artificial snow sprays.


  • Use care with "fire salts," which produce colored flames when thrown on wood fire. They contain heavy metals that can cause intense gastrointestinal irritation and vomiting if eaten. Keep them away from children.
  • Do not burn wrapping papers in the fireplace. A flash fire may result as wrappings ignite suddenly and burn intensely.

Super Bowl replica cold cuts and Twinkies and other good ideas the party

2:58 PM Add Comment
Super Bowl replica cold cuts and Twinkies and other good ideas the party -

Looking for ideas to impress your Super Bowl party last minute guests on Sunday? Why not try your hand at creating a replica Super Bowl stadium sausage or Twinkies? Check the link for some other samples to give you some creative inspiration.
If the food shelf architecture is a little more than you feel you can deal with (ahem), perhaps you could consider something along the lines of a super Bowl theme cakes, biscuits or sandwiches. Also check Big Game Bash Food Network page and win Super Bowl Recipes allyou. We particularly like the look of these football shape peanut butter brownies swirling
Have fun, but remember -. Super Bowl Fans Do not Let Fans Drive Drunk
Everyone loves a party but n 't let fun run away with you. Our advice is best to remember that it is important to be responsible hosts so that you or your guests do not end up in the local newspaper the next day. Rest assured, law enforcement and DUI patrols will do double duty to catch impaired drivers. And if you are a hosting a party, you can be responsible if your guests drink and drive.
The NFL, the US Department of the Administration of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety, Mothers Against Drunk Driving and other groups have all teamed up to raise awareness of driving while intoxicated in a Do fans Drunk fans not Let campaign drive. This site offers two guides precautions and safety tips, one for if you are a party host Super Bowl and the other if you are a guest at a party. In both situations, it is important to take precautions for the safety of everyone.
Other safety tips and tips for hosting parties, planning for designated drivers, and more can be found at the HERO Campaign for Designated Drivers.

When the winds and Old Trees Collide: What does this mean for your insurance

1:57 PM Add Comment
When the winds and Old Trees Collide: What does this mean for your insurance -

There is an old rhyme that reminds us that the March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers. As said the unknown poet, in early spring can bring more than the beauty of blooming flowers. High winds and unpredictable weather are a feature of spring in the United States. If strong winds last weekend are any indication, spring can be ahead of schedule this year!
The greatest danger in high winds is the damage they can cause to trees. High winds costing millions of dollars each year, mainly through the branches and fallen trees. Even if a tree does not land on your house or car, cleaning can be expensive, which is another good reason to make sure you, the owner, have an adequate emergency fund. If a tree or branch falls on your house or car, what should you do? Call your independent insurance agent immediately.
Many people believe that if the tree in question was originally the property of their neighbors, the neighbor should be the one to call from their insurance will pay for it. This is not true. Your homeowners or auto insurance policy will cover the damage, no matter who belongs to the tree. The Insurance Information Institute says "In most cases, an insurance company will not spend time trying to figure out where a tree or other item come." Even if there is clear evidence, rather than accusing your neighbor, you can leave the bickering to insurance companies, who may try to collect from the insurance company of the neighbor in a process called subrogation.
However, while no one can guarantee that a bad storm will not cause damage, manicured healthy trees are much less likely to succumb to storms. What can you do to protect your property against trees and fallen branches? Keep an eye on every tree to ensure that the trees are healthy with this handy checklist. If you are unsure, it is always a good idea to have an expert opinion, so consider an inspection of the tree expert. If you're not sure who to call in your area, the International Society of Arborists maintain national lists of certified arborists. This initial consultation with an arborist, especially for first home buyers can save thousands later.
If the worst happens and your roof has a large branch or a tree on it, do not try to fix it yourself! Call your insurance agent immediately and then call in a professional. If the tree branch went through the ceiling, you'll want to make sure that the contents of the house are safe. Remove all of the affected part and seal the area out of reach of children and pets.

Milder winter Mainly a positive factor in New England

12:56 PM Add Comment
Milder winter Mainly a positive factor in New England -

It is not surprising that the weather is good for the economy, but it is a bit of a shock to realize how reach the point and usually beneficial from a milder winter effects can be everywhere. The mild weather this winter has been a boon to national, boost sales to renovation superstores Home Depot and Lowes and help local governments save money on cleaning costs of snow. Short consumers money can breathe easier, too, since the average winter heating bill this year fell nearly $ 0 compared to the last two snowy, cold years.
Yet most of us do not plan on ice and snow to keep our businesses afloat and fewer winter storms are not good news for everyone. Some New Hampshire businesses that rely on winter sports and tourism show a slow 2012, and visits to the ski resort area fell. There is snow in the mountains, though: stations across New England have been able to use snowmaking equipment wisely. Despite the fact that this winter has touted third less snow in the 46 years that NOAA was keeping, ski resorts are open.
Now, in the insurance industry, we are used to help companies and families to ensure against the perils weather - too good weather is generally not something people insure against. But where there is a dollar to be made, the market will find. In the article How Wall Street Profits Weather Bizarre form, the author talks about how supposedly derived weather, saying

"contracts, many of which trade like stocks, are generally indexed on things as rainfall and temperatures. But in recent years, specifically related to snowfall contracts began to take off in popularity. the contacts essentially act like insurance, allowing, for example, retailers or the ski mountain to ensure against too much snow or too little. Wall Street sells contracts, matching buyers and sellers and pocket a small commission. generally, it is a good deal, but this year, it could be a real moneymaker. "

More about weather derivatives.
There is a group that can always be relied upon to hold the snow and winter storms: children. This year they have been cheated and unfortunately has not reaped the same record number of snow days as they got used to. But even this will work well. In at least one Massachusetts town, they will get spring break a week instead

Put in a claim owners? ... Talk to your agent first

11:55 AM Add Comment
Put in a claim owners? ... Talk to your agent first -

Bob Hollis of Hollis Insurance Agency offers these tips for homeowners who have a claim :!
At present, most people are aware of how insurance companies are quick on the draw to cancel a home insurance policy after the policyholder files a claim (or some claim). The best investors are more likely to cancel a policy if they feel the demand could have been avoided with better maintenance or effort to avoid a claim against a genuine "act of God". Others use any distinction. So in any case, I use the analogy that when it comes to file a claim, you only have a few bullets in your gun. Use these balls in those situations where you really need them. This is made even more important by the fact that once you have been canceled for the death benefit, not other companies as well and make sure you will end up in the Fair MA plane, generally with less coverage and a higher premium.
So, if you have a $ 1,000 deductible and demand could come to $ 1,300, think carefully before removing. Save your bullets for the general! The best advice? Call your agent to file the application before contacting the insurance company and we'll break it down for you and come up with an action plan that will help you the most.

Covers my car insurance when I rent a car?

9:53 PM Add Comment
Covers my car insurance when I rent a car? -

This is a client of the agency member Renaissance Encharter Insurance Alliance.
Memorial Day is around the corner and soon the children will be in school. Where are your summer vacation plans, you and your family enjoy this year? If a rental car is part of your plan, let us help you answer a common question people ask their insurance agents: Does my car insurance cover my rental car
When you rent a car you have the option to purchase insurance from the rental company, but you may not need. Your auto policy may cover your rental car, so before your trip, it's a good idea to talk with your agent. Ask your agent if your policy covers a rental car, and if it does not, inquire about the cost of adding your current coverage. Depending on the price of the rental company insurance and how often you travel, it can be a good addition to your car insurance policy. If you do not own a car, ask your insurance agent about a non-owner auto insurance policy which provides benefits in addition to the rental car coverage. Finally, talk to your credit card company and see what coverage it can provide should an accident occur while driving a rental car.
If you are ever in doubt about the coverage of your insurance policy offers, it is always best to call your agent. Each policy is different, designed specifically for the needs of you and your family.

The rains bring a reprieve, but it is always good preparation for wildfires

10:54 AM Add Comment
The rains bring a reprieve, but it is always good preparation for wildfires -

Have you heard a loud whistle when the rains started this weekend? If so, it was probably a collective sigh of relief by fire marshals and emergency workers throughout New England. We had a few bad weeks of drought. With any luck, it's over, but time will tell. We were at increased risk of fire because there is a high level of dry debris felled tree in the storm Halloween monster and some high wind events during the winter.
Forest fires are fires that start outside of developed areas. Also known as bush fires, grass fires, wildfires and the sworn enemy of Smokey Bear, forest fires, uncontrolled forest fires have made headlines in recent years because they devastate increasingly large parts of the United States. Forest fires have long been a huge problem for the western states, but widespread drought conditions in recent years have made a real danger on the east coast as well. Many were surprised New England by the smell of smoke and haze in the air from huge fires in Quebec last May. This season began worrying with the recent spate of high fire down the East Coast.
A wildfire differs from other fires by its extensive size, the speed at which it can spread from its original source, its potential to change unexpected direction, and ability to jump gaps such as roads, rivers and firewall. The main cause of forest fires in the United States is lightning, although many forest fires are attributed to human sources such as arson, discarded cigarettes, sparks from equipment lines and arcs Power. Prolonged drought significantly increases the risk of forest fires, as undergrowth becomes dry tinder. Last winter saw record amounts of light snow in New England, leading to lots of dry vegetation than usual and a greater risk of fire accompanying. Human development can also add risk factors, as has been a problem in the fires in Texas last spring, centered around the city fast growing Austin.
While forest fires are unpredictable by nature, you can take steps to minimize risk and possible damage fire. First, be aware of the current risk factors. You are probably already familiar with severe weather warnings from NOAA, but did you know they also have fire watches and warnings? Keep this card risk of fire and to check bookmarked now and then to assess the risk in your community. The objective of a protection plan against fires is effective to keep the fire from coming dangerously close to any structure on the property. Any structure or planting that is too close to your home or business can act as a wick, drawing fire to the buildings
Follow these simple steps to reduce possible damage
Roofs .. Choose a class a fire rated roof covering for you and keep the roof and gutters free of debris
and attic vents :. Eaves and vents can serve as points of entry embers windfall. Cover yours with metal mesh screen 1/8 inches
Annexes :. Awnings, decks and porches can act as a wick providing fire to the building. Consider taking down awnings and clearing all decks or patios if the fire risk is currently at alert level or fires have been reported in your area
Windows :. Radiant heat from a wildfire can break one -pane windows; instead, choose windows with double glazed tempered glass for added protection. Be sure to close all windows before evacuating a fire or in the fire alarm zones, keep them closed
Plantations :. Be extremely careful with landscaping within 15 feet of your home or business. Avoid plants that produce ground litter from the bark, leaves or seeds that Slough off and those with a very low moisture content or small branches and needles that can easily ignite. Regularly prune all the undergrowth and consider using rock or gravel mulch, especially by your building
Dependencies :. storage buildings, bins, pergolas, playground equipment, boats, RVs, and other fuel elements can allow light to reach the building. Where possible, move these at least 30 feet from your home or business. And, while it should go without saying, be sure the propane tanks are located less than 30 feet away from any structure.

What kind of coverage do I absolutely need my motorcycle insurance?

8:52 PM Add Comment
What kind of coverage do I absolutely need my motorcycle insurance? -

This is a client of the agency member Renaissance Encharter Insurance Alliance.

The weather is getting warmer and summer is finally here! If you own a motorcycle, summer is definitely your favorite time of year, your sunglasses on the wind blowing through your hair on the open road. Before hitting the road, however, you may be wondering: what kind of coverage that I absolutely need my motorcycle insurance policy
The amount of coverage you are required to have varies by state, but a standard policy requires that you have at least the physical damage and liability coverage for bodily injury. Typically, these will cover you in case of fault accident. Comprehensive and collision coverage can usually help you replace or repair your bike in the event of an accident or theft. Something like the coverage of medical expenses may be worth asking your agent-for motorbikes, there is usually no injury protection, so if someone has no health insurance, they would not have coverage for medical expenses without coverage for medical payments.
motorcyclists also often ask if they can have a cover on the months when they drive their motorcycle. Although this is an option, be aware that this could leave you unprotected against things such as vandalism, theft and fire for the uninsured time. Who knows, you might even be tempted to take the bike on a warm winter day and you do not want to be without coverage!
When making decisions about your insurance coverage, it is always best to talk with your agent. For more information on the cover of the right motorcycle, or other insurance coverage, contact your agent.

Learn from Experts: car thieves and cheats

7:51 PM Add Comment
Learn from Experts: car thieves and cheats -

The Wall Street Journal offers a fascinating article on Unlocking the secrets of a car thief (Can require registration of the site). It reminded us of a similar article on :. Confessions of a car thief, who interviewed a reformed professional thief
According to the WSJ article, here's the good news: The FBI reports that car theft has been declining for the past seven years. In 2010, the last full year data f, auto theft has declined 7.4%. But that still represents nearly three-quarters of a million cars stolen in 2010. Experts believe that the new technology has made it more difficult to steal cars than it was in the old "days screwdriver theft" of yesteryear .
But here's the bad news: Professionals can almost always find a way. The article notes that "It may take less than 19 seconds to a fairly strong, savvy thief cars to defeat the security systems that are supposed to prevent anyone from moving or directing a luxury SUV." And Robert Hartwig Insurance Information Institute points that recovery rates are falling. Thieves networks use flatbed trucks and high-tech tools to quickly seize cars and move them for resale or to chop shops for parts.
The best thing you can do to prevent theft is to make things less attractive by providing obstacles. There are a variety of devices and technologies ranging from inexpensive locks the wheel theft alarms for subscription tracking systems for vehicles based on
Another way relatively inexpensive to protect your car is touted by professional law enforcement :. VIN etching, or permanently etching your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) in the windows of your car. Many states offer free programs or you can order a variety of inexpensive kits online that you can find with a simple search for many insurers offer discounts on auto insurance for cars that have VIN etching "VIN etching. " - Check with your local insurance agent know about this and other discounts available for devices and automobile theft prevention measures
We examined the VIN etching program available via the Auto Theft governor Massachusetts Strike force that offers the service for $ 10 -. You can learn more at 781- 393-01. And other anti-theft measures, we noted in Massachusetts: If you provide information that leads to the arrest of a car thief or location of a chop shop, you could receive a reward confidential money up to ten thousand dollars ($ 10,000.00). All you have to do is call 1-800-HOT-AUTO.
For more tips and ideas, see the article by the Insurance Information Institute on prevention Carjacking / vol

WreckCheck - Mobile App Handy for car accidents eliminates confusion about what to do

6:50 PM Add Comment
WreckCheck - Mobile App Handy for car accidents eliminates confusion about what to do -

If you are one of the 5 million people who have the misfortune to be involved in an accident car during the next year, you can not be sure what steps to take to protect yourself. Car accidents are rare events that most people do not have high awareness of the spirit of what information needs to be exchanged. In addition, stress, confusion and excitement of the event can be a recipe for problems. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) has conducted a survey to find out if consumers know what to do, and they learned most people do not. There were some misconceptions and associated risks:

  • Nearly 40% of respondents felt they should share their driver's license, some allow the other driver to photograph their licenses. The risk is that many retailers accept information from driver's license as a common way to verify identity by phone.
  • 25% of consumers share their home addresses. The risk: This information gives potential identity thieves the physical location of the mail or garbage, often a desirable place for more financial information; It also means potential criminals know where you live, putting your personal safety at risk.
  • Nearly 30% of drivers think they are required to share their personal phone numbers. It's not necessary.
  • Almost 20% believe that the only reason to call the police after an accident if someone is injured. However, filing a police report can help facilitate the process of insurance claim

Car accidents :. There's an app for that
NAIC offers a mobile application that takes WreckCheck! guesswork out an exchange of post-accident information. When you download the application, enter your vehicle information and information about your agent and insurer. If you are in an accident, start the application, which will guide you through a step by step process to create an accident report. It also provides tips for staying calm, safe and smart on the road, and it's easy to take photos and document the necessary information to file an insurance claim. In addition, the application allows you to e-mail you an accident report filled directly, as well as your insurance agents.
The application is free and available to smartphone users both iPhone® and Android®.