A tax on New insurance group possible disease on the benefits of employer

1:56 PM
A tax on New insurance group possible disease on the benefits of employer -

employees Today, AOS big news reform of health insurance is that President Obama is officially open to new tax on health benefits the employer.

It, AOS a giant leap away from what the president message OSA during the 08 campaign, in which he criticized the whole idea of ​​a new tax on group health insurance and promised no tax increase for the American middle class.

Unfortunately for Central America, any tax on health insurance employers hit the spot in the nose.

But times have changed. Obama is now president, the 2012 election is still more than 3 years of absence, voters have short memories, and most of the proposed reform of health insurance plans are expected to cost $ 1 trillion-plus.

Obama, AOS senior adviser David Axelrod told ABC George Stephanopoulos AOS that the White House won, AOT be, Äúdrawing lines in the sand about where Âu They, Aore will get money to reform and taxation of employer benefits could be a possibility, writes Washington post .

As McClatchey newspapers reported, however, President Obama isn, AOT so keen on the idea. As a compromise, the president is considering taxing only health insurance plans with a Cadillac-like cover, obviously in an attempt to target these potential tax increases to higher earning Americans.

Politically, such a decision could significantly hurt President Obama, AOS credibility but it could also be necessary to pay for a huge project of the health reform law.

secondly, the president and his advisers were shockingly bright when it comes to meander out of difficult political situations. After the way the president has handled its policy in the past, we wouldn, AOT surprised if he could pull this off.

We'll see.

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