Woman sentenced for $ 10 million in Medicare fraud

8:39 PM
Woman sentenced for $ 10 million in Medicare fraud -

jail  cell Daisy Martinez was sentenced to eight years in prison for being convicted of Medicare fraud. In one year, Daisy received up to $ 10.7 million from Medicaid. Daisy opened three clinics in the Detroit area after fleeing Miami when the authorities began to crack down against fraud by Lansing State Journal.

Daisy Not only rip off the government, she had friends and family involved. His daughter received up to $ 649,000 in the four months of billing Medicare for medical treatments false and is now tried in court.

From 06 to 07, Daisy two co-owned health care clinics called Sacred Hope and X-Press Center and had an interest in Dearborn Medical Rehab Center. In court, she admitted for medical and recruiters to get people with health insurance cards to the clinic. She also admitted that it was very evident that the centers were false.

Daisy Martinez and his family had absolutely no medical training or licensing. They would get the homeless and other people in the street to attend clinics for money, food and painkillers. People who went to clinics receive vitamin injections or treatments that were unnecessary.

The Department of Justice prosecutors said: "His conduct has resulted in hundreds of medically unnecessary infusions to HIV and hepatitis C patients for worthless services ... The purpose of these clinics was not to help sick patients but to steal money. "

Martinez fled to the Dominican Republic in 07 but returned when she was indicted last year. So far the government has recovered $ 3.2 million of the stolen money, but it is assumed that the rest of the money is abroad.

There is a cinema situation like crazy, but it's true.

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