Debate on public health insurance Rages On

2:57 PM
Debate on public health insurance Rages On -

doctor Things are heating up on health insurance plans offer managed by the government. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has rejected a Senate proposal to replace the insurance plans run by the government with the private management of health care cooperatives, reported The Hill .

The day before, during a visit to Green Bay, Wisconsin, Obama was greeted by protesters denouncing his healthcare reform as socialism. In response, his speech stressed it endorse the nationalized health care.

Indeed, while some details are still to be defined, it is clear that proposed reforms would allow people to stay with their insurance providers illness private. In addition, the public plan would not be subsidized, so it would be fair competition with private plans.

So what's the problem?

Groups such as the American Medical Association are concerned that the availability of a public plan would inevitably lead to a single-payer health care system with the outgoing government on top. In other words, they do not want Uncle Sam in their business.

But they can not have the bite or bark to be a real obstacle.

They now represent barely a quarter of the country's doctors. And an independent study of American doctors published in Annals of Internal Medicine last year revealed widespread support for health insurance sponsored by the government. Nearly 60 percent supported some form of health insurance.


Decades, the AMA has fought bitterly against the formation of Medicare, but had to yield to overwhelming public support of the program. Today, public opinion has become so hard for the reform of health care they are already tempered their position.

However, they remain the largest, most visible group of doctors in the country. And they are still spending vast amounts of money to shape national health policy. On Monday, President Obama is scheduled to address the annual meeting of the AMA in Chicago. It should be interesting to see how the organization receives the message of the president.

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