College Sponsored Health Insurance Plans may offer very little

7:38 PM
College Sponsored Health Insurance Plans may offer very little -

books health insurance plans sponsored College have become a trend increase between colleges in the last decade. In 00, only one in three college students required to buy an insurance plan individual health and group. Now, more than 50 percent of colleges require students to have insurance coverage prior to enrollment or attending classes.

As rising health plans college became popular, many people have come to wonder what they are worth. According to The New York Times , Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo recently did a survey on college plans. They found that many university-sponsored health plans pay less and benefits they receive bonuses. Many of the plans that they investigated shortchange students and barely meet state regulations.

Cuomo said: "Our goal in this investigation is to ensure that students get a fair deal and coverage they need when they buy health insurance through their schools. "

Whether or not this investigation will have a profound effect on health insurance for young adults in the future is uncertain.

Young adults are now the largest group of uninsured people in the country. Typically, they are either dropped from the health insurance policy of their parents when they reach a certain age or when they reach a certain age. reform addresses the health care of this issue and September, young adults will be able to stay on their parents' policies until they turn 26. this is a great victory for the young-adults and children of college age.

young adults who can not stay on their parents' policies may be eligible for the new Medicaid expansion or a grant. Whatever students choose to do in the future, they should be aware that the purchase of an individual health insurance policy can be more affordable than most college plans as well as provide additional benefits.

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