How millennials could help decide the future of Obamacare

6:25 PM
How millennials could help decide the future of Obamacare -

by Jenny Fliegel

The fourth open enrollment under the affordable care Act is just a few months, and the changes are done to the controversial law on health. However, no matter your opinion about Obamacare, it is clear that the law has changed the health care industry. But could the registration of a group - especially millennials - affect the whole market more than before

Since the Affordable Care Act was passed, the overall uninsured rate fell more 40 percent, and the uninsured rate? among young adults decreased by almost half. younger demographic groups generally have better health, which helps insurers to control costs and to balance the risks to cover less healthy people. low risk pools contain a disproportionate share of Millennials customers that cost more in health benefits coverage plans demanded they pay monthly premiums.

To further enhance the pool of market risk and reduce costs, there will be new outreach efforts to enroll email those who are still uninsured, particularly millennials. The 2016 data Open Enrollment Period concluded that young adults are about twice as likely to participate in health insurance in response to an awareness of email compared to seniors. The inclusion of young adults could help control premium rate increases in future years by offsetting the costs of former registered, less healthy.

Some learners may remain on Medicaid or the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) until they turn 19 or on the health insurance plan of their parents until that they turn 26. data from the 2014 census showed an increase of nearly 7 percent uninsured rate of 19, and an increase of 4 percent of 26; lowering the uninsured rate benefit all Americans more than one way.

People who pay a tax penalty Obamacare this year for not having health insurance last year will receive letters encouraging them to register. About 7.9 million Americans paid a penalty for lack of coverage in 2014, and 45 percent of these people were under the age of 35. This year, the penalty for not having a qualified health coverage will be 2, 5 percent of household income or $ 695 per adult and $ 347.50 per child, whichever is higher. It is usually cheaper - and safer - to obtain health coverage to pay the fine

If you have questions about your current coverage or how to get coverage this fall, call 888 -322-7557 .. and be sure to follow us on Twitter to receive the latest news and updates Obamacare.

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