health records online Google

5:24 PM
health records online Google -

keyboard Last year, Microsoft introduced a service called HealthVault that allows people to store information medical and eHealth. The co-founder of AOL also unveiled online storage of health information at Revolution Health.

Now it's time for Google.

Google announced that they will launch an information storage program on pilot health with up to 10,000 volunteers who are patients at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, reported USA Today .

Cleveland Clinic already uses an online information system for their 0,000 patients -The participants in the pilot program will simply allow their information accessible with the Google service.

Microsoft HealthVault can store and manage information about your prescription drugs, lab results, doctors, health history documents. It will also share your information with other health Web sites.

The Google service will likely have many similar features.

The online tool will not be open to the public, and Google is keeping the details of their plans largely a secret.

Although many experts and legislators are urging health care providers to use information technology on health, there could be a risk of confidentiality regarding storing personal medical records .

according to the report USA Today, medical information on these third-party services may not be protected by confidentiality laws established. The Accountability Act and Health Insurance Portability (HIPAA), passed in 1996, included a locking arrangement of the patient / physician confidentiality and privacy.

But Microsoft HealthVault and Google pilot program are not bound by HIPAA, said Pam Dixon, executive director of the World Privacy Forum.

it means it can make it easier for outside sources to legally obtain personal health information.

others argue that the service is only patients taking an active role in their own health care.

"We believe that patients should be able to easily access and manage their own health information," said Google executive Marissa Mayer, who oversees the program.

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