healthcare Senator McCain's proposal relies on high-risk insurance pools

10:17 PM
healthcare Senator McCain's proposal relies on high-risk insurance pools -

Senator John McCain As the cost of health care continues to rise - and the number of Americans without coverage Medicare - many will cast their ballots in November for the presidential candidate who they believe has the best solution

Senator John McCain, the Republican presidential candidate presumptive, would use tax breaks, the market competition, and high. -Risk Insurance pools to reduce the number of uninsured citizens.

under his sharp plane, Senator McCain get rid of the tax credit currently given to employers who provide health insurance, and give loans to individuals to purchase a plan on the private market .

to be true, people would get $ 2500 (families get $ 5000) to help purchase a health plan themselves.

would change the decades-old employer system in which most insured Americans get health coverage of their work

critics of his plan noted people with Pre-existing health conditions would struggle to find an affordable plan -. or would not be able to get coverage at all.

to fight against this problem, Senator McCain has proposed guaranteed access plan, which uses high-risk insurance pools to cover those with preexisting conditions. The pools under the McCain plan would offer monthly premiums "reasonable" and subsidize the cost of the lowest employees.

According to the principal political adviser to Senator McCain, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, the federal government will provide $ 7 billion to $ 10 for pools, reported Wall Street Journal (subscription required) .

Not everyone agrees with this approach will work. Some health experts point out that high-risk pools often fail because of the cost and McCain pools will be no different.

But the point of the Arizona senator at the pool at high risk successfully in Minnesota, which covers about 28,500 people and has been in operation for 32 years. The Minnesota program will be the main model for guaranteed access plan.

"We must ensure [those with conditions] get the high quality coverage they need," said Senator McCain.

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