Senator Barack Obama's Single-Payer Health Care System and

5:12 PM
Senator Barack Obama's Single-Payer Health Care System and -

doctor Today, Senator Barack Obama talked about health care policy on the campaign trail in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

during a public meeting, according to a Wall Street Journal blog, Senator Obama, the presumptive Democratic nominee said he would support a single -Pay health care system the United States if he could start again.

"If I were designing a system from scratch, I would probably go ahead with a single payer [health care] system," said Senator Obama.

such a system would get rid of private insurance companies and individual health insurance plans and the government would exclusively run all health care services.

It would bring universal health care USA, which is a goal of many Democratic lawmakers share.

of course, Senator Obama knows he can not start from scratch and our current health care system is unlikely could not be changed to single payer in the near future.

"[M] there is the attitude we will build the system we have, we will make it more efficient, we can over time, as we do more efficient system and everyone is covered, decide that there are other ways for us to provide care more efficiently, "said the senator from Illinois.

Therefore, even if we can not make the transition to a system of single payer health care now, should we be in the future?

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