Senate bill would guarantee health insurance coverage for children with diseases

9:16 PM
Senate bill would guarantee health insurance coverage for children with diseases -

teddy  bear Last week, two US senators introduced a new draft health insurance law that will guarantee coverage for any child with a health problem.

Bill, US Senators Frank R. Lautenberg and Sherrod Brown, would make a significant change in the law on federal insurance, HIPAA (Health Accountability Act Insurance Portability and).

Currently, HIPAA allows private health insurance companies to deny coverage or require exclusion / waiting period for children with pre-existing health conditions such as cancer or diabetes.

under the measure, called the Children Act, the Health Protection 08, this provision of the HIPAA law would be abolished, wrote a press release on Senator Brown's website.

insurance companies and employers providing health plan for a family would not be allowed to impose limitations of coverage for children up to the age of 19

"children deserve full access to a doctor in their community and the drugs they need to get healthy. Our bill is a critical step to ensure that all children receive the care healthcare they need, "said Sen. Lautenberg.

No word yet on the support of the measure, but a" "companion bill is proposed in the US House of representatives.

"the children's health protection Act would prevent the blocking of child insurers who need medical care the most," said Senator Brown.

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