Mental health parity insurance becomes law

3:09 PM
Mental health parity insurance becomes law -

Sigmund Freud Soon the insurance parity for mental health health to become law United States.

the Senate and House of Representatives passed bills that would require health insurers to provide equal coverage for mental and physical health conditions reported The New York Times .

in the Senate, parity of mental health is part of an alternative fuels, energy conservation, and renewable energy bill. In the provision of mental health, group health insurance plans will be required to cover the treatment of mental disorders as physical ailments.

energy bill in the Senate, including the provision of parity of mental health, was approved in a 93-2 vote.

in the House, a bill on independent mental health applies to all health insurance plans was approved yesterday by a vote of 376 to 47.

project the single mental health Act should soon the Senate and the House to go to the office of the president, wrote the Times article.

The mental health bills are supported by both houses of Congress, the health insurance companies, advocates for mental health, and the White House.

"There will be more people with mental illness have mental health coverage treated differently from their coverage for other diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes," said the US Senator Pete Domenici of New Mexico.

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