Is eating healthy Popcorn?

11:18 AM
Is eating healthy Popcorn? -

popcorn If you think to relax, watch a movie and munching popcorn this weekend, we thought we 'throw D a look at an article claiming the health benefits of popcorn.

in the article Reuters , researchers in Nebraska found a link between consumption of popcorn and good health. The results of the study suggest that people who eat popcorn consume the necessary three servings of whole grains per day.

The study, conducted by the Center for Human Nutrition in Omaha, watched that 15,506 people have eaten in the last 24 hours over a three-year study from 1999 to 02 for those eaten popcorn in the past 24 hours, they had an average of 12 cups, wrote the article.

Because popcorn is rich in whole grains, 12 cups equals about a consumption of 250 per cent more whole grain than someone who does not eat popcorn.

"These results confirm that the popcorn can provide a healthy alternative to high energy dense, low-nutrient dense snacks," said Dr. Ann C. Grandjean, who led the study.

has a coverage angle, we take this study with a grain of salt, with a slight pun.

although popcorn is a good source of whole grains, it does not mean he is in full health many types of popcorn lots of saturated fat, trans fat, and high amounts of sodium -.. All that you should look out for

preferably to avoid the kind of popcorn with loads of salt, fats and other preservatives, such as partially hydrogenated oils that contain trans fatty acids.

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