4 things all individuals and families have about the ACA

5:37 PM
4 things all individuals and families have about the ACA -

healthcare The Affordable Care Act (ACA) know new changes introduced that greatly benefit individuals and individual health insurance. There are four important things all small business owners and their employees need to know how the ACA impact individuals and families

. Tip: This article is an excerpt from our new e-book "Affordable Care Act 101." Download the free guide here.

1. It is a custom shared responsibility fee not covered

If you are likely to pay a penalty of tax time have no health insurance, the individual Shared Responsibility called Fee. The ACA rule began in 2014. Coverage can employer-sponsored health insurance, private health insurance or belong through a government program like Medicaid or Medicare.

The penalty for not "minimum coverage" that what is a flat fee or a percentage of household income, whichever is greater, either. The penalty is increased in the first three years.

2. There are health insurance market

There are new options for health insurance through the health insurance marketplaces. The health insurance marketplaces are websites where you can shop, compare and enroll in an individual health insurance

Each state has a marketplace, which is operated by the federal government. (Ex: CoveredCA.com) or Federal Government (HealthCare.gov). The marketplaces are easier to make shopping for health insurance and give you access to premium tax credits. Search site your state is here.

Buy In addition to health insurance through the Marketplace, you can also use the health insurance from a licensed insurance agent or broker, or buy directly from an insurance company. But remember, the health insurance discounts access (premium tax credits), you need to check your state's health insurance marketplace to buy a plan.

3. There are discounts Called Premium Tax Credits

, the majority of staff that called for significant discounts on health insurance premium tax credits. In addition, Medicaid eligibility has expanded in many states. They are for a premium tax credit into consideration if you meet certain income requirements and access to affordable health insurance not through an employer or government program like Medicaid or Medicare.

The help discounts, many people buy more affordable have individual or family health insurance through the new national health insurance marketplaces. The health insurance tax credits are "Advanced-payable" meaning that they can be applied toward your premium if you buy health insurance.

4. Individual health insurance has advantages

While individual health insurance plans are not new, the ACA provides new advantages that make just as good individual health insurance - if not better - than the traditional group health insurance. The new benefits are :.

  • coverage for a pre-existing condition (you can not because of illness denied coverage or charged more)

  • cover essential health benefits (a core set of health benefits and services).

  • you can keep your policy when you change jobs.

  • to the policy that best fits your needs, including the network of providers and level of coverage.

  • individual health insurance costs less, and can be for a premium tax credit into account to assist you with the cost of your monthly health insurance premiums.

more information about the benefits of individual health insurance can be found on this guide.

this ACA changes make individual health insurance better and inexpensive way to yourself to insure your family and your staff.

What questions do you have about how the Affordable Care Act affects you and your family? Leave a comment. Affordable Care Act 101 for Small Businesses eBook

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