to offer 4 alternatives Paid Healthcare

5:13 PM
to offer 4 alternatives Paid Healthcare -

Working Hard-5 Although health services are an important part of the recruitment and retention of important employees, rising health care costs make it harder for employers to offer health benefits may be. According to an article published yesterday by that now the Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides affordable health insurance with access to premium tax credits "provides healthcare as a benefit could not be as attractive as it once was."

This article contains four alternatives to offer paid health benefits, according to

1. Pay Enough to the cost of individual health insurance

The article points out that although the employer-sponsored health insurance will increase the cost, not necessarily the same thing for employees mean buying an individual health insurance. The article suggests, and give everyone a "increase in salary" or annual bonus to cover the cost of workers' individual health insurance.

While this may seem like an advantageous arrangement for both sides, there are several problems with this solution. There is no guarantee that the employee the money for health insurance actually spend if their content is increased. In addition, many employers will lose its desired, top job candidates for employers with formal health benefits in place. While salary increase to candidates may be somewhat more attractive, would prefer some candidates a formal, tax-advantaged health benefits program.

2. opportunities for remote access

The article also points out that with Millennials workforce enters the workforce, starting to get picky. Since it to the Internet, mobile technologies and on-demand information, the younger workforce with a heavy focus lays in the workplace grew up on freedom.

The article points out that the flexibility in where and how much they have to work, a great impact on job satisfaction for Millennials. In fact, they have reported on a survey that teleworking is offered by 88 percent of companies that offer with a third of the organizations full-time telework. The article suggests employees the opportunity regularly offers to work from home, according to schedule, demand tasks.

3. More Flex and vacation time suggests that may offer more flex / vacation time helping to reduce stress in the workplace, so that employees are healthier in the first place. In addition to work-related stress relieved and offers flexible hours for employees less absenteeism and improved employee morale and motivation. This in turn can lead to a general well-being and less common diseases.

4. Creative perks to Inspire Innovation

The article showed that by 2025, 75 percent of the workforce are made of millennials. To ensure employee retention, go ot organizations with more creativity have come to, stand out reductions. Along with autonomy and freedom, millennials some innovative benefits need to win them to a working environment.

According to the article "Health now pales in comparison with catered meals, tickets, and even fun work environments such as those offered by Apple, Google and others for Innovation" However, well-known companies. these benefits must be to implement not always extravagant or expensive. Low-cost employee benefits, as a casual dress code and flexible working hours can also pay off.

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