may 3 Ways Health Insurance Brokers Customize the ACA

1:45 PM
may 3 Ways Health Insurance Brokers Customize the ACA -

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has changed the rules in the health field, which means the role of health professionals also vary. Adapt_Under_ACA

response commission structures decreases, brokers make hard decisions about the direction of their company, including which products to sell, and what services they offer 'll.

In a recent broker survey 49% of health professionals say that they leave worrying about the industry. But those brokers who are adapt to the new health reality determining the best ways to successfully navigate the changing landscape, and take advantage of new opportunities to take. For example, another Broker survey found that almost half (46%) of the brokers say they focus less on the insurance as the core offer in 2014

Three Ways Broker can adjust

The best way to change is to be adapted to embrace change. This may, however, easier said than done. Here are three ways to brokers and agents can adapt to the ACA

  1. Expand your product line .: Add variety and flexibility to your product offering. Look for unique products, such as additional, voluntary, private exchange and defined contribution solutions. Use them to keep to open doors with new customers and current customer

    . See also: 10 opportunities for Brokers Health Insurance Policy Sales in 2014
  2. to increase are Educator: Although the ACA now, many entrepreneurs and benefits health policy makers are still not sure how the law impacts has been their business for a few years. Between new rules and regulations and new product opportunities, customers appreciate a broker who educates and helps them find the best solution to their problem.

  3. try new approaches .: In the new landscape, brokers need new sales and product strategies try to get the same results

What do you adapt to the Affordable Care Act? Leave a tip or a question in the comments below.

Qualifying Prospects for Defined Contribution

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