Why Adopt small businesses individual health insurance

3:59 PM
Why Adopt small businesses individual health insurance -

As a small business owner, you may be wondering how can They compete with larger companies for top talent in your industry. Part of your ability to recruit top talent, is the health benefits that you offer. However, with traditional group health insurance for your small business become unstable and unaffordable, because the costs have increased 182% since 1999 (family coverage). So, there is a solution? Absolutely - adopt individual health insurance for your small business

Individual health insurance is more affordable .. In fact, the adoption of individual health insurance for your small arrow-2564_640 business is 20% to 60 save% on premium costs. As such, here's why small businesses take individual health insurance.

individual health insurance comes with great advantages

Individual health insurance is right now, and better in most cases than group health insurance. And, as previously mentioned, it costs less. Individual health insurance costs about half the price (pre-grant) and about a quarter of the price (post-grant) than group health insurance.

With individual health insurance, you and your staff at:

1. to the plan, the corresponds best to your needs, including your doctors

[ 2. Keep your individual insurance health as long as you want, all regardless of your employment.

3. Get a federal grant for about half the cost if you make a family less than per average year $ 100,000 or a single person per year earn less than $ 45,000.

to Reimburse employees for individual health insurance

Individual health insurance is now better than traditional group health insurance because it is less expensive, allows choice and remains with the staff when they change jobs. These advantages have prompted to change their employees to individual health and for the repayment or a portion of their health insurance premium most small businesses.

For more on the individual health insurance get refund, click here.

Individual health insurance is always the way for you to provide health benefits to your employees. Getting a closer look at whether or not you take over individual health insurance for your small business, think of how it can benefit you and your employees. With it you can retain and recruit the top talent you need to be in your business the best. In addition, your employees will be happier with a health insurance plan that fits their needs and is affordable.

What do you think about small businesses, individual health insurance adoption? Comment below and join our discussion.

Small Business Guide to Individual Health Insurance Reimbursement

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