Who was that helped under the ACA?

1:08 PM
Who was that helped under the ACA? -

At the most basic level, one of the primary goals of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the number of uninsured was reduce Americans. The ACA and especially the individual joint responsibility provision and Medicaid expansion, have been a significant decline in the number of uninsured Americans in 2014. According to the New York Times, about 10 million more people insurance coverage this year due to the ACA. Some regions and demographics were more affected than others.

The New York Times published an article based on a large data set of Enroll America, a group that is trying to sign people for reporting, and data company Civis Analytics. Here is what these groups found on the ACA helped the

Total decrease of Uninsured Americans

Overall uninsured Americans chart :. New York Times

After the NY Times article, make the data shows from Enroll America / Civis that 10 million Americans had no health insurance in 2013, enrolled in politics in 2014. In fact, are, appreciate the groups that the number of uninsured adults has fallen below 65 years from 16 percent to 11 percent.

states that Medicaid have expanded a less Uninsured

States with medicaid expansion Table: New York Times

The states that Medicaid programs had a significantly lower rate of uninsured citizens extended. This year, 26 states and the District of Columbia Medicaid have expanded. The New York Times article noted that many of the states that the defined state borders in the map, to the effects of the Medicaid expansion is an example of

decline in Uninsured Americans of all races

Uninsured Americans by Race chart .: New York Times

While whites and Asians began the year with a significantly smaller uninsured population, has the ACA helped to reduce the gap. While the black and Hispanic populations have higher rates of uninsurance was the decline due to the ACA in this population more significant.

Younger Americans were very influenced

Although there are declines in were percentage of uninsured Americans of all ages were young Americans the most affected:

  • rejected the rate of uninsurance for people aged 18 to 34 of 21.6 percent to 14.2 percent

  • the rate of uninsurance for individuals aged 35 to 44 from 16 , declined 3 percent to 11.2 percent

  • the rate of uninsurance for individuals aged 45 to 54 drops of 15 percent to 10.6 percent

  • the decreased rate of uninsurance for individuals aged 55 to 64 from 12.7 percent to 9.1 percent

the New York Times points out that even with this significant decline in uninsured young Americans, this is not the roughly 3 million young adults, the coverage received policy on their parents before 2014 counts

the poorest neighborhoods saw the greatest impact

Poorest Neighborhoods chart: New York Times

people from low-income neighborhoods saw the most benefit from the ACA. This makes sense and is consistent with many of the provisions of the law; low-income Americans could Medicaid to get into states, expanded the Medicaid while instruments qualifying middle-income Americans in the position for premium tax credits.

Read the full article from the New York Times here.

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