The ideal company for premium reimbursement of individual health insurance

12:20 PM
The ideal company for premium reimbursement of individual health insurance -

businesses of all shapes and sizes are adopting premium reimbursement plans. From our experience means employers with premium reimbursement solutions since 06. However, we have learned that there are three ideal company types for premium refund plan for individual health insurance. ideal_customer_premium_reimbursement

Whether a health professional or CPA to help a client assess premium refund plan or an employer itself, here are three profiles of customers probably the happiest individual with premium reimbursement of employee health insurance be.

1. Small companies (<50 employees) Without health benefits

want to start small businesses without health benefits, the health benefits for the recruitment and retention offer, are the best prospects for a premium refund plan.

Why? You've probably shopped for group health insurance and has been either priced, or do not meet minimum participation requirements. Employees for their individual health insurance premiums refund helps them to solve these challenges and enables them to health benefits offer

These additional features companies even more premium make in this market reimbursement prospects .:

  • they want to offer health benefits (they want to "contribute to employees health care)

  • they make to lose worry about employees, because they do not offer health benefits

    to grow
  • they fear losing new employees because they do not offer health benefits

  • you are looking for the business and increase or maintain staff size [1945008[

  • group health insurance is too expensive or not they qualify

  • they have an automated payroll system in place (payroll software, or by a payroll provider )

premium refund is also an ideal solution for small businesses (<50 employees), because they are not providing under the employer shared responsibility.

2. Small companies (<50 employees) with health benefits

Small businesses with health benefits ideal premium refund may be prospects even if they with the cost of the group health insurance fight.

Why? so that the cost of health benefits to fully control premium reimbursement of individual health insurance addresses this challenge by the employer and the cost forecast every year. The employer can contribute any amount (no minimum or maximum contribution amounts), and there are no annual fees or increased.

These additional features make the companies in this market even more premium refund perspectives:

  • group health insurance is becoming too expensive, or they can not their renewal

  • you can no longer minimum participation requirements meet

  • you have employees in multiple states

  • looking business and increasing or maintaining staff size

  • group grow health insurance is too expensive, or they do not qualify

  • they have an automatic payroll system in place and location (payroll software or through a billing vendor)

premium refund also an ideal solution for small businesses (<50 employees) because they are not subject to the employer shared responsibility provision.

3. Medium-sized enterprises (50-99 employees) with health benefits

medium companies with health benefits also great prospects for premium reimbursement of individual health insurance if they struggle with the cost of group health insurance.

Why? Premium refund these challenges because the insurance business and the cost of health benefits to control. The company can contribute any amount (no minimum or maximum amount of contributions), and there is no annual renewal rate increases, and there are no annual fees

These additional features companies even more premium make repayment prospects in this market .:

  • [1945006is] Krankenversicherungsgruppe too expensive

  • you have reduced employee happiness experienced due to the reduced services

  • Krankenversicherungsgruppe be time-consuming to administer

is a consideration for companies with over 50 employees that the ACA "play or pay" mandate apply to them. In other words, they must perform a financial analysis to compare:

  • The cost of ACA-qualified group health insurance

  • alone penalties for non-group offer health insurance

  • punishment + month Healthcare Allowances

more information on these options, see: Affordable Care Act - Play or Pay?

What kind of company premium refund, have seen to benefit the most from you solutions? Leave a comment or question below. Ideal Company for Defined Contribution Checklist

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