Small Biz FAQ - Why is important health

1:57 PM
Small Biz FAQ - Why is important health -

health insurance is important, even if they in good health. Why? It is difficult to know when an accident will happen. When it comes to small businesses, health insurance is an important tool to recruit used to hold, and their employees keep in good health. As such, it is important that both employees and small business owners to understand why important health is. This FAQ provides a closer look at the benefits of health insurance have.

What is health insurance? medical-563427_640

health insurance is a type of coverage that covers the cost of an insured individual medical expenses. There are different types of health insurance - here are two most common:

groups: group health insurance is insurance of the asked employers available and offered employees and relatives of employees. The premium cost is shared between the employer and the employee typically where workers Add typically all or most of the cost of paying their members to the employer plan

Individual .: An individual or family health insurance is a policy purchased from an insurance company covers you and selected family members. It works just like car insurance. With individual health insurance, the risk is spread over a large group of people-hundreds of thousands or even millions, depending on the plan and insurance companies.

Expect the unexpected

health insurance is an important financial protection that individuals need in the event of accident or illness. Without health insurance, an individual to great expense and even bankruptcy is exposed. If a person is covered, their plan to protect them from the following high medical costs:

  • Coverage is satisfied after the deductible

  • Out-of-pocket maximum

  • No annual or lifetime limits

preventive Care

Many plans health insurance, individuals can get pension. This means that screening, vaccinations, etc. were covered to prevent individuals from diseases. Without health insurance, many people miss out on these services, detect the disease early and to support good health.

In addition, to cover many services for covered individuals at no cost and may include:

  • Many vaccines and immunizations

  • blood pressure and cholesterol screenings

  • Colorectal cancer screening

  • Mammograms

  • Well-woman care

  • Contraception

  • Many shows for children, including vision and hearing

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answer Finally, the question of why important health insurance is must that pay without minimum coverage , individuals a fee. The fee is either a percentage of your household income or a flat fee - whichever is higher. In 2014, if you did not have coverage, you will pay the higher of these two amounts, such as your 2014 federal tax return (note that these figures in 2015 rise ):

  • 1% of annual household income is (only the amount of income on the tax return threshold, over $ 10,000. for a person who used to to calculate the penalty.), the maximum penalty is the national average premium for a Bronze plan.

  • $ 95 per person for the year ($ 47.50 per child under 18 years). The maximum penalty per family with this method is $ 285 AD.

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Individual Health Insurance Facts & Figures

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