5 Productivity Hacks for you and your small business

9:53 PM
5 Productivity Hacks for you and your small business -

As a small business, you could probably use a few extra hands. But in many cases simply more employees are hired, is not an option. That leaves you with two options: a few things can slip through the cracks, and hope that they are not harmful to your property or find the efficiency in your day to day activities to ensure you are able to do everything comes their way.

My guess is that most small business owners would choose the second option. Luckily for you, we have 5 Productivity Hacks put together and how to implement them in your small business. 5 Productivity Hacks for You and Your Small Business

1. Make a Morning Routine

If you are like most other professionals who am your most desirable are hours a day. So, to make the use of these coveted hours, you must ensure that you effectively with them.

may contribute a morning routine to the fact that this is happening.

Please take a moment to think about what you did this morning. Do you have a similar process prior to the date? Chances are good have you done. If so, this is the basis of your morning routine. Build from this, test, moving activities that do not lead to the afternoon to be yielding, and be sure to prioritize activities that are for the morning schedule. Finally, you will establish a morning routine that works for you.

2. Create are a very a "To-Do" list in order of importance

To-do lists, very useful tool (when used correctly). By properly, I mean achievable. These lists should contain objects that can be checked during the day or, at the most that week.

The best way to deal with this tactic, is a master list of tasks to build for the week. Then break these weekly tasks in the daily tasks in order of importance down. This allows you to create a daily to-do lists that can be met and set up the same thing the next day to do, and on to day.

If you are technically savvy, Evernote is a great way to manage these lists. If you do not, sticky notes or any old notebook the trick

. Caution: Be sure to load too many time-consuming tasks in a day. This can easily crumble the whole purpose of the to-do list. Remember, they're gone for chopping, day after day to achieve your weekly tasks not all at once.

3. Some "Me Time" Allow yourself

One of the most productive hacks on this list is to be selfish. That's right, selfish. Whichever department, the industry or business you are in -. They received inquiries, which can easily derail your daily and / or weekly progress

For this reason, it is important to set aside some time for yourself the small things that make a difference , Lock out, an hour or two, once a week on e-mail to catch or address a few brainless tasks can be just what you need certainly to get to all of your requirements, tasks and administrative work.

4. Complete simple tasks as they come

Remember, these questions that I mentioned in the last hack? You know as well as anyone else that they can be destructive to your time.

to fight the requests, simply complete the ones that are easy enough to reach. The rule of thumb should be that if it takes less than 15 minutes, it can be prioritized to achieve within the next 15 minutes. This will help you avoid more tasks addition, as you already have on your to-do lists.

5. use technology to find efficiencies

Believe it or not, in today's day and age there are hundreds of applications focuses on that make you more productive. Apps like bags can be great for storing items that you have to read at this moment, no time, but want to read at a later time. Do you still have a whole lot of "ah-ha" moments during working hours? If so, Vesper can help you vocally record these thoughts at a later time to visit again.

technology through its paces pursued never seen. If you can, use these new technologies. You could just use some see them try on, with, or write everything to try to read everything in one sitting and holding.


media should not slip through the cracks with the limited amount of time in your day. With the right tactics and technique, you can achieve what you have commissioned. When you begin this tactic can use in the day to day life, there is no reason why it can not happen to the individuals your small business.

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What other productivity hacks you have?

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