increase your customer base - 5 Tips for Health Insurance Brokers

12:44 PM
increase your customer base - 5 Tips for Health Insurance Brokers -

adapt as insurance brokers and agents to a "new normal ", many seek to diversify its product range and increase their customer base. Here are our top five insurance broker tips to increase your customer base
Health insurance broker tips for increasing your client base

# 1 :. not Identify your niche market / s

Try to be everything to everyone. Know your specific market (or markets) and this market approach with solutions that fit their unique challenges. The aim is to identify 2:59 markets and position yourself as an expert

# 2 :. Understand

Once you understand to understand your market, buyers want to your ideal customer. This includes your ideal client to understand occupation, demographic, attitude to health, how they use technology, and their daily tasks and challenges.

The clearer you understand your ideal customer, the easier it is your prospect list to build and effectively communicate your offers is. You can for each of your market segments different ideal customer profiles have

For example, the ideal customer for contribution Healthcare see

# 3: .. Identify (and communication) your value statement

which bring value for each of your ideal customer? This is your value proposition, and it can be:

  • The nature of the work or services that you

  • your environment / s expertise

  • the type of business you generally with the work

  • benefits of working with you

  • Why is it valuable to work with you; What's the ROI?

Once you identify your value statement, they communicate verbally and (through your website, a farewell behind printed brochure, etc.) shall be reported.

# 4: Build Your Prospect List

Once you have your market, ideal client down and your value proposition nailed to build a list of potential customers. There are several ways to get a high quality prospect list to build including:

  • Direct mail

  • Directories and Publications

  • Networking and events

  • LinkedIn and Social Media

  • Existing client referrals

  • list Shopping

Focus first on the "low hanging fruit" - these prospects with a personal connection (such as referrals and networking). Keep your list up to date, and do not forget to stay with prospects into contact at first, say no

# 5 :. Communicate often and in different ways

When reaching out to prospects, often and in different ways to communicate. Be helpful and add value in every contact. Do not talk product, talking benefits. The solution does not open too early.

How many contacts does it take? Research shows Many attempts to take through the prospects ... 7, 8, 9 or more. It often takes more touches than you think. , And the use of variety of methods, such as phone calls, e-mail and in person

Read more: Tips for effective prospecting small and medium businesses (SMBs)

If you have a health insurance broker, what are your tips to increase your customer base? Leave a comment.

Grow Your Business with Defined Contribution eBook

Photo credit: Hubspot

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