FAQ - Are we a penalty in 2015 for not offering health insurance to pay

8:16 PM
FAQ - Are we a penalty in 2015 for not offering health insurance to pay -

There are a lot of confusion have been? the Affordable Care Act (ACA) employer shared responsibility (ESR) surrounds provision, also called the employer mandate. Many employers wonder whether the ESR affects their business. According to the US Treasury, "about 96 percent of employers are small businesses and have less than 50 employees and are exempt from the provisions of responsibility as an employer." Nevertheless: "Will we pay a penalty in 2015 for not offer health insurance?" If a frequently asked question among employers. This article answers questions about the punishment frequently asked for no health insurance in 2015

1 offer. What is the employer shared responsibility commission?

The employer shared responsibility (ESR) determination, the employer called mandate is the requirement for larger employers either provide health insurance for employees or pay a fee when an employee health insurance purchased through the marketplace and receives a premium tax credit.

2. When does the employer shared responsibility provision in force?

The provision applies to employers with 50+ full-time equivalent (FTE) staff, which allows additional flexibility for employers. 2015 is a "phase-in" year for the employer mandate. In 2015, there are transition relief for some employers with 50-99 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees.

3. Is our business required in 2015 to offer health insurance?

If your business has fewer than 50 full-time equivalent (FTE) staff, then you do not need health insurance under the ACA to offer.

4. Will be punished our business in 2015 for not offering insurance?

If your business with less than 50 FTE employees, then there is no tax penalties and no employer shared responsibility to offer fees for no health insurance.

5. How can I calculate our FTE Employees

Here are the steps for the number of FTE employees calculation are you:

  • Calculate the number of full-time employees. A full-time employee works an average of 30 hours per week in a given month.

  • factor in your part-time workers. To calculate the FTE of part-time workers, add the number of hours worked part-time workers in a given month. Share together the total number of 0

  • In the full-time staff and the FTE of part-time workers. If the sum is more than 50, you are a "applicable large employer." This means that the employer mandate for your company applies Calculating_FTE

Chart Source :. Affordable Care Act 101

6. What if our business is growing at more than 50 FTE employees?

If more than 50 FTE employees and offer not affordable insurance minimum value health, you will be asked, the employer shared responsibility to pay fee if / when an employee purchases individual insurance and a premium receives tax credit.

for the year 2015, the employer shared responsibility Fee is on the number of full-time workers employed for the month of employers (minus 80), multiplied by 1 equals / 12 of $ 2,000, provided that at least one full-time for this month a premium tax credit / grant obtained.

If you are a bigger employers, click here more about the calculation ESR fees in 2015 to read.

you have to ask questions to the demand health insurance for your staff?

Affordable Care Act 101 for Small Businesses eBook

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