Group health insurance is for America

8:03 PM
Group health insurance is for America -

We have our book The End of employers provided health insurance approved that the obvious solution to our nation's health insurance employer Leiden discussed - employer-paid individual health insurance. The book is about all major retailers such as and available.

This item is part of an ongoing series of articles about the 10 reasons group health insurance is bad for you, your family and your business.

Group Health Insurance is Bad for America

The tenth basic group health insurance is bad for you, your family and your company is because it's bad for America - it is the main reason US health care costs nearly $ 4000000000000, a fifth the size of the US economy approaches

group health insurance is for America there. the top reason US healthcare costs nearly $ 4 trillion are approaching a fifth of the size of the US economy

If you go now look for work on the people, cars and buildings passing before your eyes. Between one-sixth and one-fifth of the people you pass on the way to work, which 17.5 percent of gross domestic product, labor produces a product or service no one really to buy Healthcare wants, or more fatal tumor care since the, which call most Americans have very little to do with health care health.

Despite the fact that the US spends two-and-a-half to three times per person what to spend other industrialized nations on health services, the United States are the unhealthiest developed nation on the Earth. There are proposed many reasons why this is so.

For example, 95 percent of drug prescriptions each year are filled in the United States for drugs that you expect for the rest to take your life because pharmaceutical companies find it very profitable customers for life creating, by the maintenance producing drugs that treat the symptoms of disease in comparison to drugs to cure the disease.

Medical providers from the individual doctor for the most hospital are paid for their method and time compared to their results, or the health of their patients. But the main reason that the US healthcare industry costs so much because employers who do not pay for most US health have a financial stake in the long-term health of their employees.

employees used to stay with a company for 25 years or longer. Today, the average employee is projected jobs more than 10 times to change over its 45-year working life. Most of the major diseases, where you can get $ 1 today spend $ 100 acres (such as heart disease or cancer of obesity from poor nutrition) to save is not displayed until an employee is long gone or retired, at which time the cost $ 100 will be collected by a specific employer or by taxpayers through Medicare.

escalate as medical costs, employers have said, in fact, to keep their medical providers for only those expenses payable with respect or the insured person, always back to work and this includes not paying for the prevention of a disease that can not be expected during the tenure of the employee with the company.

manifest Despite a new federal mandate in the ACA, the employer must cover prevention, including the federal definition of preventive care tests such as mammograms and prostate examinations, the only disease screen, instead of them help prevent. Significant weight loss, nutritional counseling, vitamins, minerals, smoking cessation, and hundreds of other wellness-related treatments are excluded from most groups and most individual health insurance plans. , Although at least with individual health insurance plans, you can choose to apply the savings to your wellness care to

In summary, rising healthcare costs, mainly driven by group health insurance, our nation on several fronts to punish:

  1. for you and your family rising healthcare costs means less money in your pocket and forces balance tough decisions about your child's education, food, rent , and requires care more expensive, hire new employees and marketing.

  2. for your business, make rising health costs for households available reduced, customer service and product development.

  3. . For the government, rising health care costs lead to other priorities at reduced funding instruments such as infrastructure, education and security

What is the solution?

you should, because changing the individual health insurance their good for America. With an individual plan, allowing the Americans to manage their own health care and it makes American companies more competitive.

Click here to read all articles in the series.

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