Group health insurance is one-size-fits-all

10:05 AM
Group health insurance is one-size-fits-all -

In one week we publish our book the end employers offered health insurance, which discussed the obvious solution for our nation, AEOS employer health insurance Leiden - employer-paid individual health insurance. The book is for pre-order on and available.

This item is part of an ongoing series of articles about the 10 reasons, group health insurance is Bad for you, your family and your business.

The fifth reason group health insurance is bad for you, your family and your business is because it is one-size-fits-all - you don, Äôt get your deductible, copays or coinsurance to pick Group health insurance is one-size-fits-all

group health insurance. is one-size-fits-all

When it comes to health insurance, employees have very different needs. However, your group health insurance plan takes a one-size-fits-all approach. With group health insurance, do not get most of the staff, from a wide range of deductibles or copays to choose.

As a result, most employees are paired with coverage that does not fit their family, AEOS needs.

A Quick Primer on key health concepts

Here, AEOS a quick primer on the three main health insurance terms:

  • year deductible This is the annual amount of your medical expenses, you have to pay to pay before the seller your Health insurance starts or refund for claims. Traditional plans have deductibles of up to $ 1,500 and copays for doctor visits and prescriptions. High-deductible plans have deductibles of $ 1,000 to $ 10,000, but much lower premiums

  • copay .: This is the amount you when you pay visit the doctor, pharmacy or other medical provider every time. If you often have children and visit the doctor, you are usually better with a higher premium plan that you have a fixed amount (copay) for each doctor visit fees regardless of what is done during the visit.

  • co This is the amount, typically about 20 to 30 percent that most insurance companies expect you to pay on your annual medical expenses after you met your deductible. Fortunately, most co-insurance clauses have an upper limit of about $ 4,000 to $ 10,000. Your maximum coinsurance obligation plus your annual deductible your out-of-pocket maximums referred to the maximum, Äîreferring out-of-pocket annual costs might arise under the policy. Some recent high-deductible plans, including many HSA plans, you will not charge co-insurance; they pay 100 percent of your medical expenses if you have met the deductible

Why One-Size-Fits-All Group Health Insurance Bad is

an imbalance of coverage with your requirements you can unnecessarily cost thousands of dollars per year. How? health insurance plans that cover more of your medical expenses (ie health plans with lower deductibles) usually have a higher monthly payment. As a result, you pay more in advance in the form of higher premiums in exchange for less and less to pay when you get medical care.

For example, a plan with a low deductible would probably work best for a family expects to visit the doctor and pharmacy regularly. However, the same plan might be a poor choice for a young, single adult male who go only once the doctor for his annual physical per year, expected. Because the young, not individual employees use the cover he pays up front for, it should be charged more to 100 percent when he really needs. In contrast, he would be able to choose a high deductible HSA plan, he saving thousands of dollars in an account for future medical expenses.

What, AEOS could be the solution? [1945003weilitÄôsnichtone-size-fits-all]

you should change to individual insurance. With an individual plan, you will receive your deductible, coinsurance and copays adapt.

I'll go through reason number six (group health insurance is unfair) tomorrow.

Click here to read all articles in the series.

10 Reasons to Switch

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