All eyes on the right of health care that Obama begins his second term

9:03 PM
All eyes on the right of health care that Obama begins his second term -

President Barack Obama was sworn in yesterday, marking its second mandate. In the midst of the inaugural festivities, the nation waits to see how the administration will handle the implementation of one of the central achievements of Obama's Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Certain provisions of the reform health care have already been held. but most of the PPACA does not take effect until 2014 and the way he plays is largely in the hands of states, employers and even consumers. news source Politico online policy outlines two scenarios concerning the fate of the law on health care during the second term of Obama.

Obamacare According to the plan

In a best case scenario, the law is taking place without complications, resulting in 30 million Americans (according to estimates by the Congressional Budget Office) obtain health coverage. Here is what should take place for the new Occupational Health Act as it should be:

  • health insurance exchanges ready to offer health plans to individuals and small businesses without opposition of the State
  • insurance companies accept people with pre-existing conditions
  • young and healthy consumers find affordable coverage and enroll in the individual health
  • [élargirlesprogrammesMedicaid
  • States

what could go wrong

most officials are not expecting a transition easy, seeing that several states have been reluctant to set up their own health exchanges in efforts to cripple the law. Other Obstacles include:

  • not adjusting States cover conditions and pre-existing due to fear of increased premiums
  • Young, premiums healthy individuals do not sign for coverage, driving up more
  • Workplaces drop health coverage for employees or cutting hours
  • Too many states resist the establishment own health exchanges, based on the federal government to run

true, not many expect the affordable care Act to perform uncomplicated. The nation has already seen increases in premiums and has struggled to assemble all the state of the health insurance market. The Department of Health and Human Services has acknowledged the delay and extended the deadlines for the state to work Kinks. However, supporters remain convinced that all this will take some time to develop, the law will lead to greater progress in health care.

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