Changes to individual health plans in 2014

4:59 PM
Changes to individual health plans in 2014 -

With the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010 come many changes to individual coverage, many that can affect you. Here is an overview of what the great individual changes to Medicare coming await 2014.

Eligibility for subsidies. Some people participating in the exchange will be eligible for tax credits from the government, or subsidies to help them buy coverage in 2014. US citizens and legal immigrants who earn income by 133 percent to 400 percent of the federal poverty level will be eligible for tax credits.

people who earn more than 400 percent of the federal poverty level will not be eligible. Tax credits will be structured based on income so that the premium of an individual or family must pay does not exceed a certain percentage of his income.

Additional benefits. The ACA expands the options and benefits for private insurance, including women. essential health benefits such as pregnancy and care of the newborn will be covered in all new individual plans, small businesses and exchange. Other preventive services such as mammograms, vision and dental care for children and more will be covered at no cost out-of-pocket.

The ACA also expanded coverage disorder of mental health and addiction. From 2014, the individual and small group plans are required to cover 10 categories of "essential health benefits" including mental health and drug use disorder services.

New plans under the Affordable Care Act should cover examinations, immunizations and other preventive care without paying out-pocket costs like co-pays. All plans will be affected by 2018.

Guaranteed coverage. Insurance companies can not file an individual when he or she gets sick, including children under 19 from 1 January 2014 insurers are prohibited by law from discriminating or load more rate high for people based on gender or any pre-existing medical conditions.

No cap annual spending. annual dollar limits were set at higher amounts until 1 January 2014, when insurers will be prohibited to establish annual expenditure ceilings. Lifetime caps on the amount of insurance payment a person can receive will be banned.

Open registration period. For those who do not receive coverage from the employer, the ACA requires all uninsured consumers purchase coverage in 2014 or face a penalty. People will have the chance to shop for coverage through the new health insurance markets that began in October 1, 2013 and run until March 31, 2014.

Countdown to Open Registration:

[ujicountdown id=”Moxie Vote Countdown” expire=”2013/10/01 00:00″ hide = “true”]

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