11 consumers favorable provisions of the reform of health care

12:55 PM
11 consumers favorable provisions of the reform of health care -

Health Care Reform 1. Men and women now pay the same amount for the cover .

Previously, insurers could charge individuals based on gender. Because they tend to visit the doctor more often, usually paid higher premiums women than men. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) now requires that men and women pay the same amount.

2. The ratio of medical claims requires health insurers to spend at least 80 to 85 percent on medical care.

Under the medical loss ratio (MLR), health insurance issuers must submit data demonstrating the proportion of revenue spent on clinical services and quality improvement . This ensures that companies do not spend a substantial amount of consumer dollars on administrative costs and overhead. Companies that do not meet these standards are required to provide rebates to customers.

3. People with pre-existing conditions can not be refused coverage.

More than 50,000 Americans with preexisting conditions have gained coverage through the new pre-existing condition insurance plan. Under this provision, consumers with pre-existing conditions can not be charged more for insurance, and they can be deposited from a plan in case of illness.

In 2014, health insurers can not deny coverage to people with pre -existing terms -. allowing millions of Americans get coverage on the individual market

4. Young adults can stay on their health plans until age 26.

young adults up to 26 years are now eligible to remain covered by the health insurance plan of a parent, making it easier and more affordable to obtain coverage.

5. Children can not be denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions.

Once the law was passed, this provision kicks little known to provide any child under 19 years warranty coverage. More than 17.6 million children with pre-existing conditions are no longer to worry about being denied coverage. Unfortunately, many health insurers stopped offering coverage as state children not promulgated open enrollment periods for children.

6. Preventive care now available at no charge out-of-pocket.

The ACA ensures that most insurance plans provide coverage and eliminate cost sharing for certain preventive health services, including mammograms for women, film colonoscopy, flu shots and much more. This provision has given 71 million more Americans coverage of preventive services by the Department of Health and Human Services of the United States.

7. essential benefits covered in all health plans with no cap on coverage.

In establishing minimum standards of coverage for health plans, ACA argues that a set of basic benefits are included in the health insurance plans. This includes emergency services, hospitalization, maternity and newborn care, prescription drugs and more.

8. The elderly can not be charged more than three times the amount of a young adult is charged.

Older patients generally use more, and health care higher than younger patients costs. To help ensure that coverage remains affordable for everyone is to use the age of the rating bands that spread the cost of premiums on a range of age groups.

9. luxury tax credits individuals between 100 and 400 percent of the federal poverty level.

In order to reduce monthly premiums for those earning up to 400 percent of the federal poverty level, tax credits are available to cover a share of monthly health premiums charge. Tax credits are structured based on income so that the premium of an individual or family must pay does not exceed a specified percentage of their income.

10. Grants for individuals between 100 and 250 percent of the federal poverty level.

To offset the cost of health care, the ACA created tax subsidies for individuals and families to help pay for health insurance. The cost-sharing subsidies essentially increase the portion of benefits covered by an insurance company, which reduces outside pocket expenses for low-income consumers.

11. Medicaid expansion for adults without children, but each State shall determine whether to expand the program.

Medicaid will be expanded to include more adults. Every state has the opportunity to receive additional federal funding to expand their Medicaid roles to include more families and single adults. While 50 states have chosen to implement the expansion of Medicaid, it would cover an estimated 21.6 million additional non-insured adults.

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