If you buy insurance now or later disease?

3:58 PM
If you buy insurance now or later disease? -

In 2014, the individual mandate, an important provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) kicks in, which requires US citizens and legal immigrants to have health coverage. Those who fail to obtain health insurance will face a tax penalty. You may wonder if it is cheaper to buy health insurance now or wait until 2014. Here are some considerations to help make that decision
If you buy now :.

  • You'll probably pay lower premiums. The new provisions will be applied within the PEA in 2014 (essential health benefits, assessment of the modified community and issue guarantees) are estimated to cause a jump in health insurance premiums.
  • A more personalized coverage. By shopping for insurance now, you can find a less robust plan that includes only the benefits you need, helping cut unnecessary costs. For those who are young and healthy, chances are an insurance plan will cost less.
  • The age rating changes may increase or decrease premiums. If a young adult purchases coverage now, they are not subject to classification by age changes created by the reform. For example, in 2014, a person can not be charged more than 3 times a young adult. This will increase the individual premiums for young adults, but in 2014, this will reduce premiums for the elderly

If you wait until 2014 :.

  • More reliable options. You know you get a qualified health plan at an affordable price by purchasing insurance directly from the insurance market of the State disease. Customers will be able to compare plans that meet certain requirements benefits.
  • essential health benefits. All plans are required to cover "essential health benefits" which include coverage for prescription drugs, maternity care, hospitalization, outpatient care and more.
  • guaranteed issue. Beginning in 2014, individuals can be denied coverage from an insurance company because of a preexisting condition, nor can they receive higher rates because of the state of gender or health .
  • Tax subsidies. You may be eligible for tax credits if your household income is between 100 to 400 percent of the poverty line.
  • Annual limits in dollars. In 2014, the use of annual dollar limits on essential benefits like hospital stays will be banned for new plans in the individual market and all group plans.
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