United to see large disparities in the costs of health

6:00 PM
United to see large disparities in the costs of health -

Research continues on the rising cost of health insurance premiums and while some say the rate of talk is just speculation, studies show differently.

A study sponsored by the Society of Actuaries (SOA) provides that the costs of medical claims, the main drivers of health insurance premiums are increasing by huge percentages. the first group of analysts of financial risks in the nation provides a jump of 32 percent, to be exact.

While some states will actually see a decrease in costs of medical claims per person, a great majority of States are experiencing double-digit increase on the various health insurance markets. Some 2017 estimates, according to the SOA report are:

  • 62 percent increase in California
  • increase of 80 percent in Ohio
  • increase of 20 percent in Florida
  • increase of 67 percent in Maryland

What is responsible for the rising costs, you ask? The study says the costs will increase as individuals most unhealthy and ill join the insurance pool. Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), insurers are facing new rules for gender or age based rates, so that while young people generally paid less in the past will be now required to pay more while older people can pay less. Women historically paid more for insurance will now pay less and equalizes the disparity, men can pay more.

The report however makes no estimates on health plans focused on employers that the new law on health care will primarily affect people who do not receive insurance coverage through their employer .

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