Cost of Going Uninsured

1:32 PM
Cost of Going Uninsured -

Lauren Mandel

In an effort to highlight how it can be expensive to go without health insurance, we created a series of graphs to illustrate "the cost of going uninsured."

As summer draws to a close, many individuals and families find themselves craving a last minute getaway. You have chosen your destination, the budget for airline tickets and hotels, and just about packed your suitcase.

Then suddenly, you start experiencing severe back pain. You see your doctor, and he advises you to get an MRI just to rule out anything serious. But because you are not insured, MRI could run you an average of $ 2,611.

Would you spend money on preventive MRI or on airline return tickets for a family vacation? Avoid having to make that decision, and instead, get health insurance to cover unexpected costs of medical services such as MRI

Remember :. If you do not have health insurance, now is the time to hedge. Open Enrollment begins November 1st, so visit now to start preparing.

Cost of Going Uninsured - plane

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