5 tips to help you keep your New Year's resolution

10:41 PM
5 tips to help you keep your New Year's resolution -

With 2014 quickly coming to an end, many of us are beginning to think about how we would like to improve ourselves from the new year.

Each January, about one in three Americans decided to improve in some way. While about 75 percent of people stick to their New Year's resolutions for at least a week, less than half are still on target six months later. image_resolutions 2

Here are five simple tips to help you actually keep your health resolution New Year this year.

1. Focus on the positive

As you are considering the resolution of your New Year, accentuate the positive rather than the negative. For example, rather than to resolve to lose 20 pounds, your resolution could be, "I want to look better and feel healthier." Putting a positive spin on it, the resolution will feel less as a restriction and more as an opportunity for change.

2. Make realistic goals

Prepare for success by making New Year's resolutions that are achievable. Instead of selecting an ambiguous goal, focus on something more concrete that you can realistically set your sights on.

3. Create a solid plan

The choice of an achievable goal gives you the opportunity to plan exactly how you will accomplish your resolution during the year . If you break your resolution into small, manageable goals with a solid deadline, you will greatly increase your chances of success. While this may seem a slow start, these small steps easier to stick to your new habits and increase long-term chances of success.

4. Get help

Tell your friends and family about your commitment to the resolution of your new year. The more people who know your commitment to change, the more people there will help you if you are late on your goals.

Having a solid support system can also help you stay motivated. Explain your goals for your close friends or family and ask them to help you achieve your goals. Better yet, consider joining a group for people who share your same goals.

5. Reward yourself

Following the New Year's resolution is rarely easy, reward yourself for achieving your smaller goals along the way. Choose healthy rewards, such as new training gear or a relaxing massage, to inspire you to keep up the good work!

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